You know you're a 90s kid when...

Yah, I was a definite N’Sync girl. :laughing:

Word. Maybe because it’s hard to find a movie theme nowadays that’s good for a music video. And don’t forget “Reflection”, it’s second my national anthem.

Who remembers the spice girls??

I remember them, and also, months ago, the released a new song called “Spice up your Life”, but yeah, I remembered them.

I wasn’t even born until '92 and I fit the 80’s list! Then again, my dad is stuck in '86 and has been since '86!!!

I stilll have a furbie and a cabbage patch kid! I remember Neopets, they would die! Mine died a week after I got it. I have tapes of Tiffiny. Do y’all remember her? “I think we’re alone now…” Do y’all remember Recess? With Tj and Mikey and the Ashlies and Randel shudder That kid gave me the creeps! I remember the Power rangers, and I didn’t think that the green and pink were MFEO, I thought the green one would marry me! Do y’all remember the first Kids bop? And what about The land before time! Watching the land before time everyday for a year before finding out that littlefoots mom died!

Who else remembers staying up all night on new years eve 1999? The huge disco ball in New york.

Yesss! I remember all of those things! Ohh, good times, good times.

Livingmylegacy: Neopets do not die. They may say “dieing” on the hunger status, but that is just because they are very hungry. They WILL NEVER die. What a life :open_mouth:

I rememebr all that and more!

You known your a 90’s kid when you watched Might Morphin Power Rangers and you didn’t care what was happening in the world.

This thread is made for me. Granted, growing up in Australia means I had a slightly different childhood, but for the most part it was the same in regards to pop culture. Since I was born almost exactly halfway through the '80s (July, '85), my childhood is made of one third '80s, two thirds '90s, but I’m a '90s kid at heart…

Goosebumps? Check. (Even watched a few eps on TV)
My Little Pet Shop? Yep.
Power Rangers? Heck yeah! Had my own costume the red one, Jason.
Care Bears? Owned two of 'em - the original ones (and still do.)
Windows 95? No, our family was still using a DOS!
Furbies? Had one until it creeped us out, lol.
Spice Girls? I was Geri, for some reason.
Smurfs? How about the Smurfs and the Snorks?

A few of my own:

  • Getting home from school to watch TV shows on ABC until 6pm (before it turned into ABC Kids that they have now.)
  • Blowing into your NES/Sega cartridges when the game froze.
  • Tamagotchis! And when they first came out they were really expensive, my sister and I had to share.
  • That A*Mazing TV show on Channel 7.
  • Agro’s Cartoon Connection and Cheez TV.

Agro! Cheez TV! A*Mazing! I used to play the maze game at my friends house. Her sister used to cut up letters on paper and hide them around the house and we’d go looking for 'em! Good times, good times(=

I was born in '87 so not technically not a 90’s kids but I definitely do apply to quite a few of them! I also have one to add as well…

Two words… Captain Planet! :smiley:

Well I was born in 85 but I dont remember all that much about the 80s. 88 & 89 maybe, but that’s it. The 90s were the first full decade I lived through, and for the most part, they were very good. I went from being a little kid to a teenager. Incidentally here’s one of the better “90s kid” videos I’ve found on YouTube:

[url]Are you a 90's kid? - YouTube

I remember my Furbie. Mine stopped working.

Your cousin used to have a collection of about 25 different Batman figurines of all different sizes, and used to give you detailed lectures on the differences between Batman: The Animated Series, The Batman, and Batman Beyond.

I must say, I watched some episodes of Teen Titans on YouTube, and at first I thought they where pretty good, but then I watched some episodes of BTAS, and when I watched another episode of TT I noticed some things:

  1. Fake anime is really, really annoying.
  2. For some reason, in TT, Robin always grunts loudly when fighting.
  3. Starfire don’t got nothin on Harley Quinn.
  4. The only really good voice actors in TT are Slade and Raven.
  5. The Joker could probably smash the Teen Titans to bits.

Good GOD! The 90s rocked! I miss them so much. :frowning: In fact, I’ve been dreaming of a time machine being invented in the future, so I could travel back, and watch Will Smith, in Fresh Prince of Bel Aire! Well, I remember always playing Ghouls and Ghosts, Street Fighter, and Dynamite Duke on Sega Genesis. I remember back when 9/11 happened. That wasn’t the '90s, but close.

Yes, you’re probably wondering, how someone as young as I am, could remember those magnificent years. Let’s just say my memory is good. Anyways, here:

“You’re a '90s kid if you remember when Starfox and DOOM kicked 3D gaming in gear”.
“You’re a '90s kid when you remember when Beavis and Butthead came along, adding on to MTV’s superiority”.

Not as clever as some posts in this thread, but hey. You know. :neutral_face:

Fett101 - I matched up to a few of those points that you mentioned, but not all, unfortunately. I was born in the late eighties, so I did catch a glimpse of that era, but only a glimpse.

  • Michael Jackson was steamin, boy…
  • “Wax on, wax off…” Why does that sound so familiar…?
  • You mean “Prince” the music artist, right? I remember him.
  • Heck yeah, I own cassettes. (snigger)
  • I had a “Polly Pocket” game when I was little! My sister and I used to fight over who got to play as the cat.
  • They were the way to go… back then. I used to see every kid on the block riding 'em.(snigger)
  • Dude, I remember that!!
  • My dad has owned an “Indy” hat for ages now. My sister and I loved to wear it for fun. (heheh)
  • Well, I don’t remember it when it was new, but it’s still one of the funniest shows on earth, man.
  • All of a sudden, I’m rather embarrassed…
  • Oh, yeah! I remember “Alf”. I wonder whatever happened to him?

Ha-ha! Awesome! I’m glad I’m not the only one who obsessed over those cheap-y ovens and Bill Nye. :mrgreen:

Holy smokes, I forgot that they got mouldy! I think I still have a couple of cassettes in the garage that have mold on them. (snigger)

Oh my gosh. The Magic School Bus!! geeks out

I suppose I should add a couple more things to the list…

You know you’re a 90s kid when…

  • You watched the original Star Trek series every evening at 8:00 PM. You may have also watched Discovery Channel’s Wild Discovery, or whatever that show was called.
  • You remember the show Rescue 911.
  • You remember when Animal Planet first aired. You also remember all of the original shows/episodes they played on there too, including Zig and Zag: The Alpha Dog Challenge, Gentle Ben, Flipper, Emergency Vets, and the original The Planet’s Funniest Animals.
  • You watched Benji and Wishbone on TV…
  • You thought that Pixar was Disney. (shakes head)
  • You remember the “People Movers” at Disneyland, and were scared of riding the “Haunted Mansion”.
  • You owned these: Disney Sing-a-Long Songs

Man, I watched a lot of TV… (heh)

You know, one of the main things I could never get into during the 90s era was Power Rangers. I absolutely hated them, and couldn’t understand, for the life of me, why my neighbor’s kids loved them so. :stuck_out_tongue:

– Mitch

No not that kind of die. The computer thing in mine carshed. All of my friends pets did the same thing.

VENGABOISE! they were epic.

'84 here!

Slap bracelets hurt. And yet, since camp this summer was kind of 80s-retro, I bought a day-glo green slap bracelet to match my rec team t-shirt. My wrist is too big for them now.

Fixed it for you. Mine were all hand-me-down, but I played with those like they were no tomorrow.

Dude. You did not just namecheck the BSC TV show. I thought I was the only person who remembers that!

I wasn’t allowed to listen to that stuff as a kid… but I do know all the key phrases: “If there’s a problem, yo, I’ll solve it/Check out my hook while my DJ revolves it”

Even if I wasn’t allowed to listen to that stuff, I didn’t live under a rock. I remember the dolls.

You mean when he was actually a human? He looks like an alien now.

I admit it. Though why my mom’s wearing one nowadays is still a mystery.

Yeah, and decorated one with white cowboy fringe…

Yep. Got mine for Christmas when I was 6. It was missing a front tooth, just like me!

Missed the bus on this one, but caught it all in syndication. Definitely prefer the high school years.

Don’t think we ever missed a season in my family. I remember when TGIF was actually worth watching, not just that it existed once.

Classic Disney Channel for the win!

I was too young for Cheers, but I remember it being on the air. I’ve actually been to the real bar that Cheers was modeled after in Boston.

Never saw the movie, but I remember all the promos for it…

I had a pair of leggings that would make your eyes hurt.

The original Game Boy blew my mind, and I felt so honored when one of my older after-school-care friends let me play Mario on his.

Do you remember Hammer’s cartoon show?

Oh come on, who under the age of 30 can’t?

“Here in Duckburg…” I prefer Darkwing Duck more, though.

Not anymore. I killed them all.

No, but my sister had a pair of LA Gear socks. I had an Esprit shirt, though.

Loved these shows. Check out and I can still sing the Hey Dude theme song.

No, but I still want a Swatch Watch.

I used to have a Popples nightgown… do you remember the Wuzzles?

Trapper Keepers are still the most awesome school supplies, except for a backpack that was kind of like a locker, big and square. I can’t remember what it was called, but I wanted one.

Nah, but I loved watching them get the smackdown laid on them.

My mom used to put my hair in about 17 braids just before I went to bed so it would look crimped.

Oh. My. Gosh. I killed two of those cassettes, and that was the first CD I ever bought with my own money. Amy Grant was also my first concert ever.

Well, my dad did, but I borrowed it once for a (badly-done) Carmen Sandiego outfit.

I got those that Christmas. They’re fun.

Totally remember new-school MMC. That stuff was awesome.

I loved my jelly shoes, until my feet got sweaty.

I heart classic Ren and Stimpy, though Mom wasn’t very enthusiastic about the whole thing.

When all the 90’s kids need to wait until “Who ya gonna call?” to join in. (We tested this with my '86-born sister and my '92-born sister, and that’s exactly what happened.)

Owned both.

I loved my glow worm.

DuckTales, TaleSpin, Darkwing Duck, Chip ‘N’ Dale’s Rescue Rangers, Goof Troop, Bonkers, Marsupilami, Gargoyles, and I think that’s it…

The 80s rocked. Pure and simple.


Do you remember Jungle Cubs? Although, I don’t remember if that came out during the 80s or 90s…

– Mitch

I have seen jungle cubs, but I think that might have been in the 90s.

jungle cubs = epic.