queen_of_painting's artwork (some nudity!)

Wow! Awesomely sketched. It looks flawless. You drew it just like him! I love his expression there.

Flawl3ss v1ctory! :smiley: Do you have DeviantArt? Because if you do, I’d so Favourite that!

I, indeed, have a deviantART account, but it’s not updated often. I’ve done a buttload of artwork since my last post in this thread.

Prepare yourselves for a tidal wave of artwork from the past few months! And these are only what I would consider to be the highlights–yikes!

My boyfriend drawn in a somewhat cartoon-like style.

Here’s one of my sketchbooks and a peek at a few pages.

A slew of self-portraits.

Aaaaand I guess if you want to see me doing a tighter style of drawing, here’s a portrait of Einstein I did. The grid was a required part of the assignment, but I’m sure I could have done a good job otherwise. :wink:

Is that too much for you guys? :laughing:

It is, but I can’t get enough of it! :laughing:

You have a very distinct, sorta surrealistic quality to your work. Like something from a dream. Well, a very weird dream.

I have no criticisms, except to say that you have a very strong foundation in traditional-based art. Great you got a sketchbook! Maybe you should try digital art if you’re proficient with Photoshop programs?

The Einstein’s pic my favourite. Such detail! It’s simply sensational.

Keep living up to your name!

Ooh boy, looking through this thread has been embarrassing for me. :laughing:

Here are some other drawings I found on Facebook. They’re all a year old, but eh so what? I have only one picture of my artwork from this semester, but that shall change when I return to school in a month.

10-minute charcoal drawing (maybe 15 minutes? It couldn’t have been that long.).

Quick hand gestures.

Hour-long pose done in pen. I thought the awkward angle would be a fun challenge.

Here are some quick cartoons I did the other day. My cat started to chew on one of them, haha. What a sweetie pie.

Explanation for this one: it’s an old professor at my school who’s well over 6 feet tall and wears these huuuuuge fur hats and matching coats. He once wore a red set that I swear to Cheesus made him look like Gossamer from Looney Tunes.

My recent portfolio for my big scary portfolio review. I earned 41 out of 42 marks, despite my professor defending me to get all 42.

You have some really great pieces, queen_of_painting! Very diverse, which will definitely help you go far! I can’t wait to see more from you!!

Thank you, Hannahmation. :slight_smile:

Two of my favorite ways to draw are with charcoal or pen (preferably Micron or Faber-Castell), because the permanence of them force me to really, really pay attention to what I’m observing/imagining, and to make every mark as bold as possible. My drawing style used to be fairly stiff until I ditched the pencils (for the most part) and started to draw quicker. I really need better supplies here at my mom’s place. All I have is a ballpoint pen and standard printer paper, but that’s only good for practicing, not for building up a proper sketchbook/portfolio. I’m done ramblin’ now.

I’m not crazy about most of these, but it’s all I have available on Facebook or Photobucket. So here you go!

Booooring pen sketch I had to do for class.

Quick sketch for a tattoo idea I sloppily painted in Photoshop.

Another sloppy, quick painting.

Anatomy drawings aren’t a whole lot of fun to do…

This was a collaboration with a friend. She provided the photographs and I did a drawing.

Never finished this… haha.

DANG! I’m jealous! you’re an amazing artist. I really supremely wish that I was as good as you! keep up the amazing work hon! :smiley:

Your words are much appreciated, Woody. :3

Wow, WOW WOW WOW WOW! My anticipation for your art is much more different than you point it out in your sig and avatar! It’s so, like everyone said, surrealistic and mysterious, as if a black void surrounds your art, but, in a good way!

Here are some sketches from last semester and this past week. Many of them are unfinished.

Finger painting!

And just me messing around… Like I said, these are unfinished.

I find it so strange that I’ve never posted these before… but here.

Dang girlie! I wish I could say which is my favorite, but I really can’t. You have a very nice style to your drawings. I shouldn’t be suprised by how good you are at designing stuff, you do have a fantastic tattoo that I commented on on another thread!

Thank you, e-j-e. :3

So, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but last night was my FIRST time doing life drawings from a model on a small scale (8"x11" ish). Each drawing was around ~20 minutes.

Close-up of the previous drawing.

Wow (again) I wish I could draw the human figure as good as you! Have you ever taken any figure drawing classes?

Yes, I took a 2-credit course at School of the Art Institute my junior year of HS, and then I drew from a model a couple times this year and last. But those were typically bold charcoal pieces on 18"x24" paper, which is an entirely different situation than drawing with a 2B pencil on 8"x11" paper! That said, it’s easier to do a nice, finished drawing in 20 minutes when it’s on the small side. :slight_smile:

I’m planning on attending my school’s open draw sessions at least once a week, and possibly twice once the weather warms up a bit. It’s a GREAT resource, and I’m excited at how I’ll progress just over this semester alone. Have you done any figure drawings?

I am mostly self taught, I did a lot of art and cartooning lessons at the community center in High School though. I did take a Drawing & Composition class at my college, but I didn’t have time in my schedule to do Figure Drawing. I defintely want to some day!

That’s so awesome your school has open draw sessions, that’s something I’d love to do. Do you perfer to draw with pencil or charcoal? (in general, ignoring paper sizes)

Hmm, it’s difficult to choose… I would say charcoal, specifically vine charcoal, just because of the expressiveness and the deep, deep blacks. Of course, you need to be a skilled and bold draftsman to use it in most cases (though I have seen some long, hyper-realistic studies done in charcoal). Pencil is really a better tool for figuring out how to draw the figure or doing a subtle sketch, but it doesn’t make for the most interesting compositions IMO.

I highly recommend going to some figure drawing classes whenever you have time!