queen_of_painting's artwork (some nudity!)

Vine charcoal is my favorite too, it’s such fun to draw with. But I see what you mean, each type of art medium has their specialties and purposes. And I defintely plan to take a figure drawing class, I just need to find time!

I love your new post! Recently my college had an exibihtion on Figure Drawing, and your newest post is better then a few that were shown there by professionals! Very nice.

WOW. :open_mouth: Amazing!!! I think you’re the best artist here! BTW, if I may ask, do you get inspiration from Frida Kahlo? Your work looks totally original, but it seems like you would be a fan of her, judging from your style.

This. Is. Amazing. I love all your work. I can’t believe someone actually drew these. They’re beautiful. Keep it up!

Thank you both SO very very much! I was really happy to win the PP award.

Here’s a drawing I started on in class today. We’re going to continue them later and then, I believe, turn them into paintings eventually.

And here’s just some silliness.

Oh no! I got page 2’ed. Here are some art updates. You’ll have to excuse the lack of a professional camera in most of them.

The first I’m going to include as a link because it has some content that could be considered graphic, although I was trying to balance between being too subtle and being too over-the-top. It has meaning behind it, though, so it’s very important to me personally.

a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos- … 2864_n.jpg

Another illustration from the same series as the above.

A beach mural in my neighborhood. I don’t usually do “happy” artwork in my style, so this was a different experience… haha. I figure families don’t want to see sad, sulking girls while playing on the beach.

This is a very quick sketch I did as an experiment to play around with drawing characters. I might redo it with a cleaner medium.

Again, playing around. This is a male ballerina.

Chubbyish/dorky safari explorer.

Bad pic of pieces I submitted for the sketchbook show at school.

I really love your artwork. I’m glad to see some more of it! Your characters have such sweetness and uniqueness to them, I especially like the male ballet picture.

Sketchybook stuff.

Aaaaand finally, my series on display in my school’s art museum/gallery.

Wow! You’re on display! How great! I love the background.

The background is my favorite part. :mrgreen:

This was an experiment done for a friend who likes owl stuff and homemade gifts/art as Christmas presents.

^ I’ve since toned down the colors of the owl drawing from almost yellow/greenish to a slightly warmer, red-brown color. At least with the owl.

I did another “experiment” with a drawing posted above that I basically drew & colored over in Photoshop. With a trackpad! No mouse, no tablet, etc. So excuse any lines that are kind of squiggly.

I like doing digital illustrations!

Very fine work, greatly enjoyed, q_o_p! You really do a great job of balancing whimsy and thematic weight. The “bell girl” work is very thought-provoking–thank you for sharing the link.

Yes, that piece is titled “Portrait of a Young Girl” and it was the catalyst that inspired the series I posted above (with the wallpaper). Many people are drawn to that over some of my others, but I can’t blame 'em. I appreciate that you’ve noticed I balance “whimsy and thematic weight” in my art.

Currently, I’m trying to be successful in multiple areas of art… In a general sense, drawing cartoons but also doing realism and my regular “personal” artwork (which I’ll probably be taking a break from). Hey, maybe if I practice enough (which I have NOT done much in the past few years) and try to do less sloppy work, I can have a good enough portfolio to consider completing internships at animation studios. I may be reachin’, but hey!

It’s silly, but while I’m studying to be an art teacher and I have very deep, throughly thought out illustrations that I do for personal reasons, my biggest dream is still to be a story artist for an animation studio like Pixar.

Not reachin’ or silly…like the guy with the hook said, “Go, live your dream.” Clearly you have the chops for it; the rest comes down to circumstance. As for the other path, our kids are fortunate to have a kind, encouraging, and very talented art teacher who guides them toward unchaining their personal visions in big, bold strokes that fill the frame. That’s more valuable than gold–the world can use all the great art teachers it can get!

I completely agree that we need more art teachers. There’s an overwhelming number of children and even adults who say, “I can’t even draw a stick figure, so I’m no good at art.” What a narrow-minded way of experiencing art! :`-( A good foundation in drawing can be beneficial for many types of art, but it’s by no means the definitive medium.

I completed this drawing in about 1.5 hours or so. I simply opened Photoshop and began drawing. Not bad. Oh, and the character is inspired by the rockabilly people who hang out in this place called Yoyogi Park (in Tokyo) and dance to old music.

q_o_p, some of the “I can’t draw” folks are in my family. In one case, an art teacher told a young girl that she couldn’t draw, and she grew to be a woman who still believes that–a tragedy, for sure.

Your Yoyogi Park piece ably demonstrates earlier points made–very nice! The thumb is especially good for the vitality of its curves, maybe difficult to achieve with a mouse/trackball (or perhaps the result of much practice).

40-minute pose, again, digitally painted with a trackpad.

A silly sketch I did on a whim (and continued for a couple hours) of my boyfriend and I cartoonified in Victorian outfits while holding a cat. Trackpad again.

I’m happy you’re posting more artwork. Your first one is absolutely beautiful. And I love the cat in the second one, it has a little monacle!

I’m actually quite satisfied with the digital figure study, as I’m still rather new to digital painting and I completed it in under an hour, which surprised me given I was working with a trackpad. I guess I shouldn’t really be impressed with my trackpad drawing skills anymore, as it’s clearly a natural enough device for me to use. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s the end of the semester but I want to do more digital figure studies next year!