Jack Jack Attack

Yeah, I got it. I was laughing so hard, I fell out of the chair and the only pain I felt was the one in my gut. It was so flipping funny.

Gasduude - Ha! I remember that I didn’t get the joke when I first heard it, until my mom explained the whole thing. I was laughing so hard afterwards… :laughing:

Another funny part was when Kari was spelling her name out for Rick. I was slapping my head, smiling, and “Are you kidding me?”

Can anyone quote that part?

“Kari, Kari Mckeon. It’s like Carie with a K instead of a C and an “ah” instead of an “eh”, and only one R and one I instead of an I E”.

Haha! There you have it! :laughing: Thanks, The Star Swordsman.

“Kari. Kari McKeen. It’s like 'Carrie”, only with a ‘K’ instead of a ‘C’, an “ah” instead of an “eh”, and only one ‘R’ and an ‘i’ instad of an ‘ie’." - Kari

I’m not sure if I spelled “McKeen” right, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Ah, heck. Ya’ beat me, The Star Swordsman! :laughing:

Well, what can I say? It helps if you know it right off the bat!

close - its exactly

“Kari, Kari McKeon. It’s like Carrie with a K instead of a C and an “ah” instead of an “eh”, only one R and an I instead of an IE”.

Oh well, close enough right? :blush: :unamused:

The Dash knows his lines… :wink:

Youbet that. He is another one of those prod TI and JJA fans also.

People earlier in this post were asking about the Mozart pieces. Well the first one Kari plays is Mozart’s Rondo Alla Turka. The one where Jack Jack first blows up is Dies Illa from his unfinished Requiem. and I’m not entirely sure of the name of the other one in the middle when Kari is running around after the baby.

I’m Mozart’s #1 fan. :smiley:

Man, I love Jack Jack Attack. I love Kari’s face when she tells Syndrome “I’m Kari, the babysitter!!!” Also, it never ceases to make me laugh really loudly when Jack Jack first blows up. Genius.[/u]

Colette Linguini: Ah, so those were what the songs were called. I didn’t really know that Collete Linguini! I am so grateful that you are a Mzart fan. All I was robably able to recognize is his Requiem.

And yes, JJA really rocks! Funniest one I have ever seen.

Colette Linguini - Thank you for sharing with us the names of those Mozart pieces. Yay for Amadeus fans! :smiley:

– Mitch

Mitch: YOu like Mozart too?

My brother got me into his music, but I never fully appreciated it untill I watched JJA!

The Star Swordsman - Oh yes, I’ve always loved classical musical. In fact, I was raised on it… Probably the reason why I absolutely despise rock n’ roll is because I got so used to the finer things in life… Eheh.

I was actually quite surprised that they incorporated some of Mozart’s compositions into Jack-Jack Attack, but I’m very glad that they did! :wink:

– Mitch

Me too! In fact, Kari mentioned Mozart while babysitting Jack-Jack in the film. So we had ourselves a little hint of the musical numbers in the short. (Foreshadowing!!!)

Well, research has proven that playing Mozart whilst babies sleep improves their ability to learn! As long as it doesn’t send you off to sleep as well, then it sounds like a pretty good idea to me. :laughing:

Really now lizardgirl? I didn’t know that. I thought it was just a myth!