Finn and Holley

^Thank you for trying to understand my opinion SallyMcQueen! Just because she said that one line at the end of the movie doesn’t mean it is written in stone. I’m just trying to think outside the box here. I believe the topic of this thread was Holley and Finn though, so perhaps we should get back to that! :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought it was cute. 8D :blush:

Yeah guys! The H/M forum could use the activity if you guys wanna talk about it there, but stop spamming the poor F/H shippers. ;-p

Hahaha, I don’t think there are a lot of H/F shippers actually. I think they’re cute together for sure but I don’t exactly ship them. It would be nice to know if they kept in touch after that huge mission. Maybe Finn swapped some of his trade secrets with her! :slight_smile:

I think they became partners because [spoil]at the end of the movie when they’re visiting R. Springs, they say they have another mission to go on and then they try to invite Mater along.[/spoil]

Ohhh, right! I forgot about that. Well, I hope they at least build a friendship together. :smiley:

I would think so. You tend to get close to someone when you go an endangering mission with them. :wink: Or maybe not, since Finn says “Friendships are dangerous” in their line of work.

Finn acts like such an anti-friendship pill, but he clearly was friends with [spoil]Leeland Turbo, or at least close co-workers. Leeland calls him in specifically because he trusts hims not to blow it, and when Finn doesn’t see him at the rally point he tries to contact him casually. “Leeland, it’s Finn. Where are you?” And he’s clearly upset to find Leeland has been turned into a trash cube.

So yeah, I think Finn talks like a loner spy, and clearly works quite well on his own, but he’s not antisocial. He and Holley make a good team. :smiley:[/spoil]

I agree! I think he said that to try and discourage friendship because he knows how hard it is to lose a friend in that line of work. He doesn’t want Holley or Mater to go through that hardship but I think he does know how wonderful friends truly are.

Ahh, this is true. I forgot about [spoil]Leeland. What a horrible way to die, by the way. Turned into a garbage cube. And the way the other agent died! The American one who Mater was mistaken for, he died in a horrible way, too.[/spoil] I was like :open_mouth:.

I know! I was surprised by the amount of [spoil]death included in the sequel. Looks like cars can’t swim either… :confused:[/spoil]

I thought they could! Cause in the Mater-national video game, Mater makes a comment of how he can’t swim. So, I thought it was just him, personally, that couldn’t swim. [spoil]But the second movie made me question that, too.[/spoil]

The second movie surprised me by showing the fact that cars are able to stretch their axels alot more than I thought (like how Sally waves to them as they fly off. Like whoa, don’t detach your tire there!) Maybe it’s just me but I noticed that. XD

After I watched Cars 2, I actually noticed the axle extension more in the first movie. I mean, keep an eye on Mater during the Tractor Tipping sequence. He does some crazy things with his wheels! It may be that we all started noticing axle movement more because we had Francesco, a character whose axels were completely exposed and made a feature of being completely exposed.

As for whether cars can swim, I’m not sure if [spoil]being unable to survive falling hundreds of feet into the Pacific Ocean automatically[/spoil] counts as being unable to swim. :laughing:

But we’re getting off track here. Anybody else notice how Finn and Holley’s opposing traits were played up quite a bit? Seasoned spy and fresh out of the academy. Calm and quick to act. Sea gear and air gear. What else?

That part kind of surprised me when I saw it in the theater. Isn’t that kind of close to the accident that really happened with Joe Ranft? Of course I know that would never be John’s intention there, which was putting together an exiting chase scene at the beginning of the film, but maybe the similarities never came to mind. Either way, I know that wasn’t what he was going for.

Netbug: Yeah, I noticed the difference in their personalities. Considering Finn is a lot more experienced then yes, I would expect to see that difference. The fact that he has sea gear and her air gear was probably because they didn’t want to be repetitive. Wouldn’t it be boring if they both had the same tools? Plus, as Finn mentions, Holley is equipped differently because she is newer to the field.

Flik-E: I had no idea that was similar to Ranft’s death. You’re right though, I’m quite sure it wasn’t intended. It’s so sad how several members of the cast passed away. :cry:

When I see Finn and Holley together, I usually see them as a father and daughter. Mater may be older than Finn, but Finn seems much older than Mater. And way too old for Holley.

Plus Mater needs someone just as crazy as he is! Maybe he can play the sane old car for once now. :smiley:

Hey! Welcome to Pixar Planet! Yeah, lots of people seem to get the father-daughter thing about their relationship. Your right about the age factor though, both Mater and Finn are too old for her in my opinion. It’s fun to dream about non-canon relationships though. Crazier ones have come up before! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you for the welcome!

I suppose you’re right; it is fun to imagine other potential relationships. I hadn’t really thought about it before.

This is off topic, but welcome to the forums RogerTheSpaceShip! I love your username and picture, that’s one of my favorite Cars Toons. :stuck_out_tongue: You’ll love it here, there’s a lot of fellow Cars fans like us around! :smiley: