Do Marlin and Dory get married?

I’m glad too. I think a Nemo sequel is one of the most counter-productive things Disney and/or Pixar could do.

Exactly! She’s just a little kid, and I love her to death, but she and Marling don’t get married. Nu-uh. That would be so awkward! Plus, Marlin truly loved Coral, and I don’t think anyone could replace her for him.

What’s wrong with friendships these days? Everyone has to be a couple these days for some people to be happy! If they were in love it would have been said on the movie!

Does Dory not tell Marlin “When I look at you, I’m home”? If Michael Cera said that to a girl in a D-level romantic comedy, I’m pretty sure most people would get the message.

As I said, people overlook friendship. That is more of a friendship line than a romantic one.

There’s no way, no how, in any way that Dory could ever get married with Marlin in the hopes that the relationship will end well. Marlin still loves coral (wherever she is, up here, or down there), and Dory would forget that they were married, who Marlin is, and who she is. Although she assumes to think that she can remember better with Marlin, maybe when Marlin’s harping on her to, she can, but in only that exception. No sequels, please! Pixar is great with their creativity, so stop all these sequels! make new material!

I tend to think of Dory as an almost aunt to Nemo :stuck_out_tongue: It’s true what you said, SoA, people do overlook the importance of friendship, especially when it comes to Pixar. I think the two will always be close and look after each other, but it’s impossible for me to ever see Dory in a serious relationship.

This is a great topic! I must say that I agree, I don’t think that they ever get married. I can only see them as having a close friendship. I just don’t see that type of chemisty between them.

I don’t think so. Just goof friend’s.

Yeah I see Dory as being really close to Marlin and Nemo, and being like an aunt to Nemo. Even maybe to the point where she would help raise Nemo or something. It would make sense. But there was no romantic connection anywhere in the film.

I’m glad most people don’t think that.

Plus, they were from different species.

Plus, Marlin already had a wife before whom he loved dearly. I’m not saying it is wrong for him to re-marry but I don’t think Dory would be the one.

I lightly thought about this back in 2003 when I was what 11 years old. It is possible. She says when she see him she home, she says at the end to Nemo “See you when I nget home!”. So who knows.

But the way Marlin cared for her is interesting. Espically when she was caught in the fish net.

^ Hmmm, that is a good point. I don’t know if a romantic relationship would work for them but I think Dory makes a great female figure for Nemo to look up to now.

In the commentary they mentioned that they included Dory so that Marlin would have another ‘child’ to look out for while he’s out looking for Nemo, so I’ve always considered Dory and Marlin’s relationship to be based on friendship rather romantic love. Even when the movie first came out, when I was 10, I didn’t consider them to be ‘together’ in that sense.

That would be cute but I dont think it would happen.
When I was little I thought Dory was a boy so that wouldnt be good.

That’s all true, but I still don’t sense any romanticism between the two of them. I’d try to save my best friend from a fish net too, but that doesn’t mean I’d want to marry them. And after any such journey, there would be a special bond, but it doesn’t require any romance to be realistic.

EJE- It could be platonic. Some things that they did just looked like what any best friends who do. Others looked more though.

Well what do you considered married in fish world?
It all depends on what you think about that question…
If it’s living together? Then I think yes they got married.
If it’s having a whole wedding thing? Then I dont think theyy did.
This is just my opinion.

I think they remained just good friends. There was never any romantic hints throughout the movie between them. If anything, I think Marlin thought of Dory eventually as a adopted daughter.