Your first post in PP

I joined PP in 2006. I believe I was a junior in high school.

In 2006 I was just graduating from High School.

In 2006 I started high school and the Cardinals won the World Series.

:open_mouth: I was in 6th grade in 2006. :blush: Why am I so young? I feel like an experience-less fool. 8D You guys always make me feel like a little kid.

In 2006 I was starting High School.

TSS- Wow, 5 years? Talk about being a veteran! :slight_smile:

I remember being a freshman in high school and how all the senior’s are twice your size, it’s the same for Kindergarten to 5th Graders and 6th to 8th graders. Are however your grade thing work’s.

Yeah, five years does seem a long time.

You’re not alone, I was in the third and fourth grade in '06. :laughing:

Wow! I didn’t know you are so young! I thought you were like 17!

Me too!

Congratulations, Leirin, you’re very mature! 8D

^Haha, thank you! :laughing:

Y’know, it’s amusing, people always seem to specifically guess that I am 17. 8D

Some people think I look young for my age.

Pixarfan91: dude! Me too! I;m 22 but people say that I look like I’m still in high school! And boy, has that helped me a lot.

My first post…

Well, I knew how old you were, because you told me. But come to think of it, you are a very mature individual. I, however, am not. :blush: I’m just silly.

People always thought I was 12 until I got a hair cut. Now everyone I know says I look like I’m in college. I find it disturbing that no matter how much I miss long hair and despise my hair cut, it’s a good thing to everyone else. It’s a -little- annoying. :frowning:

IV: Well, at least you don’t have people thinking you’re far younger than you really are. I get extremely annoyed when people think I’m 13 when I’m actually 18, going on 19 this summer. When you’re an adult, you want people to recognize you’re an adult! :slight_smile: Now I’m sure in about 15 years, I’ll want people telling me I look that young, but not right now!! xDDD

My first post was also an introductory one. I look through some of my first posts and can’t even believe how obnoxious I sounded. I don’t understand how anyone grew to like me around here! :laughing:

Ughh, just reading it makes me cringe. xDDD

little chef

That’s true. I just get emotional to think that my favorite hair style makes me look like a little kid. :frowning: I don’t understand how a haircut makes that much difference. I’d prefer that people looked at me, with or without long hair, and thought, “That person looks like a 15 year old.” Is that that much to ask? 8D Don’t misunderstand me, I am not proud of being a teenager. It’s actually a source of shame. But I hate to think that when I’m truly happy with my image, everyone else says I look like a 6th grader. :neutral_face: Not cool.

And your first post isn’t that bad, little-chef! At least you sound like a nice person. Do you remember mine? :open_mouth: I haven’t been able to erase that memory from the time I came here a little over a year ago. It’s a source of shame and misery and inferiority. :neutral_face: I’m very sorry for it, too, because I remember I specifically argued with you in it.

What was your former username, IV? The current one sounds good, but I’m curious.

Incredigirl95. See the similarity? Instead of my first name, I used my birth year. I’m not a very creative person. 8D

It’s not that bad, I have my birth year in mine. What a minute that mean’s mine is bad! Now I gotta make PixarfanDavid account! :open_mouth: