Wich reject robot do you like best?

I kind of agree with Flik-E in that the rejects don’t really have enough screen time to correctly display their personalities, but I seriously love them all just because they’re so different and definitely underappreciated.

Well, if I had to choose I’d have to say HAN-S. I dunno why, he’s probably the craziest out of them all, and I just crack up so hard whenever he’s doing something on screen. :laughing:

little chef

I like BRL-A, L-T, and VN-GO (because he paints like me!)

Since he hasn’t been said yet, I love VAQ-M. It’s such an inventive idea by PIXAR to have a vacuum cleaner with allergic reactions, and out of all the reject bots I think he looks the most realistically possible.

I voted HAN-S
I like when he [spoil] totally massacres the steward bots! [/spoil]

I like the broken PR-T bot, I have no idea why, and I’m an art person, I like the paint bot too. :slight_smile:

I love PR-T. I’m not sure why. I just love her.

I love M-O, too! :slight_smile:

I love VN-GO, VAQ-M and PR-T. But they’re all adorable anyway.

I think VN-GO is by far the best :laughing:

Han-S. He’s the best, you know…

PR-T is my favorite. I love her voice: “I know honey, I know!” :laughing:

She’s the funniest, I just like Han-S’ attitude. :laughing: Excitement and violence. Perfect.


In the WALL-E soundtrack, its weird noise thing starts up in the middle of “Repair Ward” and I find it rather out of place and at the same time very awesome.

I voted for BRL-A because of a really good fan-fic I read.