TS3 General Observations and Questions

Forgot to mention that Andy couldn’t have searched for Jessie’s name, or otherwise, he would have found out the collectable value. Something tells me that if he knew they were big bucks, they wouldn’t be sitting in a toy chest.

I have a theory for the garbage bag thing as well. Andy’s mom couldn’t have checked what was in the bag since it was knotted shut. She could have assumed, though, but nothing was definite. Andy was later upset, and his mom probably assumed that that bag had the toys in it (unless Andy explained that that particular bag had the toys in it). When the toys turned up, they probably guessed the garbage bag had something else in it.

Andy probably just thought his mother misplaced them, not necessarily thrown them out. Keep in mind, there was a lot of crap they were moving around.

As for Jessie, he most likely figured it out via her pullstring. Still disappointed that her sayings were never featured in the film, though.

Well, with the Pizza Planet truck still doing its job in Toy Story 2, it’s heavily implied that it’s still open back then. [spoil]The reason I think Pizza Planet might be closed is because Andy talks about it like a distant memory. That, or he’s just trying to give them more a story for Bonnie…

I didn’t really see how he referred to it like it was a memory.[spoil]But you have to think, to someone as little as Bonnie seemed, it’s not like you would just say “These guys are from an old pizza restaraunt where I used to live…” He’s trying to be nice and make it sound more interesting…[/spoil]

Besides, we just saw two pizza planet trucks last year in Up! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

And the ultimate fate of it is shown in WALL-E. Though it’s also hard to determine the timeline of things, as well as. Whether or not it was still in service.

Another point to add to the jumble would be the issue of [spoil]them ending up in a box, when you’d think he clearly remembered putting them in the garbage bag. If he and his mom doubted that he remembered correctly the toys being in that sack he threw away, it seems like he would’ve looked and put stuff in the attic box many times between them getting thrown out and them getting back. Also, why would he have the attic box? Apparently there was nothing in it, because when he empties it to give them to Bonnie, it’s empty at Woody. Unless he took out everything but the toys before going to her, but he would’ve noticed Woody then, who apparently jumps in sometime after Andy reads the note and closes the box.[/spoil]

And while on the topic of observations…anyone observe the bucket of soldiers in the daycare? It’s really not hidden that much. It’s right at the shot after they all walk off for Ken’s dream tour and Rex says “He smells like strawberries!” At the high shot of them all walking towards the camera, it appears at the top right against the wall or cabinets or something. With the millions of toys moving around it’s a busy shot, but it’s there. In the angle immediately after that, it’s a close up of Woody walking looking concerned as Ken talks, you can plainly see it as he walks by, it’s to the left I think. I thought that was really interesting, and wondered if it was Andy’s he donated? Since apparently there’s only 3 left…

The three that stayed were there to help the rest of the toys. They obviously avoided being sold with the rest of the bucket.
It would be nice to think that that bucket was Andy’s at the daycare [spoil]since the troops would be reunited in the end.[/spoil] Though there a couple things that might get in the way of that. First, the gang doesn’t acknowledge it at all. Maybe they didn’t know it was Andy’s, or they didn’t care, since Toy Story 2 showed that it was a common toy at Al’s Toy Barn. Secondly, [spoil]when Andy was asked about donating his toys, did he sound like he had done it before. There’s still the possibility that his mom could’ve done it anyways.[/spoil]

Well, we see that Andy’s mom didn’t always ask for his consent about the toys from the yard sale in TS2…there could’ve been a situation like that with the bucket, which is why the other Toys didn’t know about it, especially since they didn’t seem to know what Daycare is anyway (except Woody for some reason). Or, maybe the army men just never crossed paths with the toys at the daycare…imagine their reaction to Lotso’s dictatorship, it’d be like WW2 to them the way they act about things. They didn’t have sufficent force to take over, so maybe they just hid all the time…

If the Jessie catchphrase idea works, that might be how Andy knew Woody’s name is Woody- he has a phrase that talks about his name, though we never hear it.

I always guessed Andy’s father (or mother) gave him Woody and said something along the lines of, this is Woody. -Omar

I don’t think any of the toys even noticed the bucket there anyway.

Having seen the movie twice within days of each other, [spoil]I got the feeling that Andy was confused when he saw the toys reappear, but was more interested in the note and the fact that he should donate them. He then kind of asked his mom, and she (not really paying attention) shrugged him off with a “Whatever you think, honey.”

Therefore, his mother is still thinking that she accidently threw them out, while Andy is thinking she wanted him to donate them, but then misplaced them, then found them, and set them in his room.[/spoil]

“Ride like the wind, Bullseye” does seem like something that would be on Woody’s pull-string.

But if Andy had looked up information about the gang online it’s possible he still didn’t know how much they were worth. He could have checked out Wikipedia and it’s very likely that there’s no mention of value there. He could have searched ebay also and, since Woody seemed so rare, perhaps the odds of there being any Woody’s Roundup merch on was so slim that he never saw anything listed.

With regards to RC getting removed over the aliens, does anyone think that RC may have been broken in the first movie after having two toys ride on him for what looked like at least half a mile? RC cars aren’t generally supposed to carry extra weight, and he was thrown at a high velocity through Mr. Potato Head into the back of the truck besides. I have certainly broken RC cars with less abuse than that.

Nope, he was perfectly fine and functional in Toy Story 2, and the beginning of Toy Story 3. [spoil]If RC didn’t work, he’d probably be thrown out as opposed to his fate of being sold at a yard sale.[/spoil]

Going on the topic of general Toy Story questions; how does RC get his controller back?

We had a whole thread about the remote…from speculations of Andy having an extra, to getting a new one, to it being just a plot hole.

Thats what I thought too…I kind of infered that since Andy’s father (or mother) gave him Woody that they were a fan of Woody’s Roundup…so if they saw Andy playing with Jessie they would probably say something along the lines of

“Oh! A Jessie doll! I used to love seeing her on Woody’s Roundup when I was a kid!”

Which brings me to another big question from Toy Story 2 this time.

Wouldn’t Andy’s mother find it a bit odd that these 2 random toys appear in Andy’s room that she didn’t give him? I mean Andy says thanks mom …wouldn’t he mention it at some point? I know if I were Andy’s mother I would be a little confused as to where they came from and who put them in y sons room… :confused:

Well, Andy did just come back from Cowboy Camp at the end of TS2, so maybe his mom assumed that he won/bought/was given the toys there (I mean, they do conveniently match the “cowboy” theme of the camp).

A few comments:

Regarding how Andy knew Jessie and Bullseye’s names, there are any number of possible explanations, from pullstring phrases to looking up Woody’s Roundup on the internet (imagine it’s Andy’s first time with the internet - what do you think he might look up, even as a kid?). Regarding why he didn’t sell the toys, does that really seem in character to you? It doesn’t to me. He held onto these toys for years, and you don’t just sell things that are that dear to you. Remember, the only reason he’s ultimately able to give them away is because he’s seen firsthand who’s going to get them, and knows that she’ll take good care of them.

I’d wager that most parents can’t remember all the toys they’ve gotten for their kids. She probably just didn’t hear the initial “thanks” and thought that Andy had just rediscovered some toys he hadn’t played with for a while. Remember, the humans in these movies have to reconcile far stranger events with their notions of reality.

As a general observation,[spoil] I’m rather surprised that Andy gave RC away. He seemed to me to be one of Andy’s favourites in the first two movies (featuring in a couple of play scenarios), and an RC car is one of those toys that anyone can play with, even if your imagination is a bit low. [/spoiler]

EDIT- Just completed the spoiler tags there for you.


I just came back from Trip #3 and I had a couple more things I wanted to mention that I didn’t think warranted a new thread.

I don’t know if this has been asked or answered, and I don’t think this counts as a spoiler, but… today when I heard the voice of the old janitor cleaning the bathroom, I thought out of the blue, “Is that Bob Peterson?” Anyone know?

Someone can point me to the thread, but is it here or on the Disboards (or somewhere else?) that people have talked about one of the “Butterfly room” little girls being [spoil]Boo from MI? The first time we see the “big kids,” she is sitting on the floor in front of the armchair (where the blonde girl is holding Lotso), with a blue cat and another toy. I paid attention to her today, and I swear she is making the blue kitty roar![/spoil] I can’t wait to hear the commentary track on some of this stuff.

Since my theatre has cut back on screens/showtimes for TS3, they moved the 2D stadium shows into one of the larger stadiums. We had a pretty good audience, but nowhere near a full house. Biggest laugh from the adults was when [spoil]Bookworm reacts to “Ken” in the high heels.[/spoil] They also loved [spoil]Mr Tortilla Head and Spanish Buzz,[/spoil] and I definitely heard sniffling when we got down to the end. I didn’t cry as much this time, but the “teary moment” that still got me was [spoil]when Bonnie makes Woody wave goodbye.[/spoil]

[spoil]In the credits, Barbie has more clothes besides what she had on almost all the time during the movie[/spoil] Where did those clothes come from?

[spoil]In the credits, Ken wrote a note to Andy’s toys. Stretch put it in Bonnie’s backpack. How did he and Barbie know that Andy’s toys were okay and went home, then Andy’s toys were given to Bonnie? How did Ken and Barbie know who Bonnie is and which backpack was hers[/spoil]

[spoil]Having lived at the daycare for years, and Bonnie being the employee’s daughter, I’m sure Ken knows of her. Idk about them knowing about the toys’ fate though, unless they stowed away in Bonnie’s backpack one day and talked to them.[/spoil]

As for the clothes, it’s already stretch that Ken would have that many clothes, a working disco light, and all that, so that’s not to be thought of