The Ant game.

The runner brings it to his house, the ant then eats some food, but it’s for mice and it’s poisoned.

It’s poison who only works for mice, so the ant doesn’t die. Anyway, a mouse eats the ant.

The ant kicks the Mouse so much, that the Mouse can’t take it anymore and chokes, The Ant runs out, but then a Bee stings him and kills him.

To be honest, I’m really iffy on this kind of game people. :confused: i really don’t enjoy talking about killing, espeically from Pixar Planet members. i know it’s all fun, but is killing, even to an ant, really fun? Or does that reveal how dark of a human being we’ve become?

Well, the ant really never dies. It’s a way of creating an infinite narrative, that’s all the fun of it: to think ways of making the ant survive.

I don’t see anything dark on this, but if anyone else feels like TSS, maybe we should find a new game.

Well, I care for animals and would never harm an Ant in real life, but just view it like you said Spirit as a narrative or a sort of story.

I see it as a cartoon ant. But if you want to close it I have to other games that might work.

I believe that any kind of killing is inhumane. And I really want to close this game you guys. :frowning:

I still don’t think this is any different to a screenwriter killing off a character, but if it disturbs some, I guess we’ll have to close it.

If it does to down, how about the You Banned Game ot 3 Word Story game?

Could you explain the You Got Banned game?

Yeah, I’d love to know how the You Got Banned game would work!

You are Banned game is a game where you ban the person above you. Not for teal of course.


Your banned for making this game before me.

Your banned for being for maybe coming up with the idea before me.

You can also be random. Just don’y day anything harsh like, Your banned for being a low life loser with no friends. Seem fun?

You got banned for making rules to this game :slight_smile:

I would like that it could be random, but as long as it doesn’t end up being attacks on people.

It sounds like an interesting game.

I think what I’ll do is lock this one up and you can start up the new one Pixarfan91.