
As has been said repeatedly on these boards, I like the fact that you get to see him when he was younger. In a way you can understand why he feels the way he does. Overall, I think he’s Pixar’s most fleshed out villain, along with one of the most evil. I really like villains :wink: He has my favorite line in the whole movie, and is voiced by one of my favorite actors, Jason Lee. I think the voice is what does it for me, really.

Evil_Genious_27: What was your favorite line from him? Also, I agree with everything you said about Syndrome. e is really an epic villain.

My favorite line was the bit about the monologuing. He’s pretty genre savvy, that’s another thing I like about him.

“You sly dog! You got me monologuing again!!!”

Yeah, that was a fun line! It was one of my favorites too. But the one line of his that absolutely brought down the hous (or theatre) was “and got… BIZAYYYYY!!!”

Yeah, my friend Chelsea said she won’t let her kids see The Incredibles b/c of that line

Awww, that’s a shame.

I know. And personally, I don’t see it as a dirty joke. I thought it was fun for older kids, but maybe I’m crazy…

It’s just one of those lines where the adults get it, but some might think its a little too dirty for the kids. I don’t mind, but then again, I’m not a kid.

First time I heard that line, I was shocked. I thought “you can’t say that in a kids movie”! I thought it was hilarious. I was watching it with my sister (she was about 4 or 5 at the time) and she didn’t know what it meant. I think it’s one of those lines that adults and older kids can appreciate, but it just goes right over the little kid’s heads. If they’re old enough to understand it, then fine. If they don’t get it, also fine.

I like when Syndrome gets too close with Mirage.
“Next time you gamble, bet your own life!”

I remember a time I was working, and the movie was playing. And me and a lot of my fellow co-workers heard that line and started laughing really hard, almost falling down to the ground. One of the kids we were taking care of went up to us and asked, “What does bi-zay mean?”

Needless to say, the other camp counselours had no idea how to explain it. So I knelt to the ground, place one arm over the kids shoulder, and told him, “when you’re older, you’'ll understand… when you’re older…”

I think you handled that very well, Star Swordsman :wink:

i like him because he is a little clumsy and i like his power

Well, he didn’t have any powers, but he has cool gadgets.

By power, I think he means the power of owning the facility and henchmen.

I find him to be along the lines of “poor, poor villain” in my eyes. I don’t remember where it was, but when the reasons for his “obsession” with being Mr. I’s sidekick and everything that followed to be really understandable.

I also noticed that he’s made mistakes with a cape, not once, but TWICE, as he had a bomb attached to his cape and that COULD have been his undoing, had Mr. I not stopped it…annnnd made a bridge blow out. I find it pretty ironic that only later he made another mistake that involved a cape…and was a bit more “explosive”. I kinda feel sorry for him O_O

Nah, I think he deserved it. After he tried to kill Helen and the kids, I was waiting for his death through the rest of the movie. :smiling_imp:

Well, Syndrome was a villain that you love to hate. But at the same time, you understand why he did things the way he did.

I like Syndrome and he’s one of my favorite villains, but he still deserved it.