Space Jam/Space Jam 2

Woodyfan23- Do you mean that you’ve seen the sequel to Space Jam? Or is that the Back in Action one that others have referred to? Space Jam was so good, I think it is a shame if they’ve released a direct-to-video sequel.

From what I’ve seen with Looney Tunes over the years Space Jam has so far been a one-time thing, but because it introduced Lola Bunny she started to be a regular part of the cast now and then after becoming a popular character (she was specifically used in the show Baby Looney Tunes). But those aliens in the film have not been seen ever again.

He’s talking about Back in Action.

That in mind, Lola Bunny is nowhere to be seen in Back In Action - there’s even a line in which Bugs mocks the very concept of him requiring a female counterpart since, as he points, out, he likes to play all the female roles himself. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, it’s interesting that Back In Action was originally conceived as a sequel to Space Jam, since when Joe Dante took over as director he wound up dubbing it the “anti-Space Jam” (owing to his hatred of that movie). There’s another, not-so-subtle swipe at SJ therein, which I’m not going to spoil for those who haven’t seen it.

Oh, you mean when [spoil]the Acme chairman turns into Michael Jordan?[/spoil]
That was funny!

Yes. It made me LOL too. :laughing:

[spoil]Michael Jordan: “Let’s do some drills.”
Brendan Fraser: “What?” confused look[/spoil]

[spoil]Daffy Duck: This doesn’t make a lick of sense![/spoil]

Ready all these posts makes me want to rewatch both movies, man I love Looney tunes! But I agree that Space Jam is better than Back in Action.

Back In Action was funny, but very forgettable. Space Jam will always be better.

I like Back In Action better myself (it has some really funny in-jokes, and overall I think it’s a lot truer to the spirit of the original LT shorts than Space Jam is). My main regret is that Yakko, Wakko and Dot of Animaniacs fame don’t get a cameo, given that there’s a scene featuring the Warner Brothers Studio tower very prominently, and well, whenever I see that thing it’s impossible for me not to think of them.

WAIT. There is a sequel???

I had no idea they made a sequel! :open_mouth: I only vaguely remember seeing the original (the entire thing’s been uploaded to YouTube, I should see it again some day).

Space Jam 2 has been shelved :smiley:

The thing that bothers me about Space Jam is that it doesn’t stay true to the characters.

For example, since when does Bugs Bunny ask for help? In the movie he asks Michael Jordan for help, but in the classic cartoons he NEVER needed help, he was always cunning. He could transform, defeat any foe, outsmart them, no matter how ridiculous the situation

Also, he is more like an errend boy in this movie, who goes and retrieves Michael’s shorts. Uh, hello? I thought he was the hero.

To tell you the truth space jam is kind of creepy :open_mouth:

How creepy Guitarlynn?

I like Space Jam. A lot. Sorry, but I do. 8D

I noticed in Space Jam, a lot of tactics that the aliens and the toons do would be automatic flagrant fouls in the NBA.

That’s the glory of movies. They follow fun, not logic. 8D

And that’s what made Space jam really easily laughable.