Pixar Planet Chatroom Quiz Nights!

Ok. How about Saturday at 4pm GMT? If anything comes up and I can’t make it someone else can host.

Yup! That should work fine for me! (BTW, could you set that up on the World Clock thing? Don’t want anyone getting confused! :wink: )

Is it this Saturday?

Maybe next saturday but I can do this saturday aswell and here’s the world clock: [url]Event Time Announcer

Alright, I’m cool with that time, but it might overlap with the Pixar Planet movie night.

I’ll try to make it, but my dad usually hogs the computer on Saturday so we’ll see. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll be there!! Even if it overlaps with PPMN.

I can change it to next week because I really don’t want to overlap with PPMN. Here is the world clock if I change it to next week: timeanddate.com/worldclock/f … sec=0&p1=0

I’m good at that time!

Ok the week after movie night we’ll have a quiz.

Cool beans! I can’t wait! I love doing all of this social stuff on PP!

I love it, too. :slight_smile: For now I’m just hoping my dad doesn’t hog the computer that time of day.

Me three and I am really happy people want to do a quiz night I set up. I’ll have to sort out questions.

I should be able to join you guys then, though what exactly will the date be? If this is for definite I’ll add the details of your Quiz Night to the original post, YouAreAToy. How exciting! :smiley:

Just to clarify. The date will be the 21st of August at 16:00 GMT.

That sounds good, YouAreAToy. Though it’s actually 17:00 GMT. The 16:00 is for UTC time.

Okeedokee. 16:00 UTC. 17:00 GMT. I probably won’t be as good a host as you lizardgirl but it should still be good fun.

I think you’ll surprise yourself, YouAreAToy! :smiley:

After this Quiz Night I think I need to have a try at hosting one of these. :slight_smile: Hosting sounds like a lot of fun!

I think everyone here would make a great quiz host! Besides me of course, I’ve never gone to one! Yet!