My Pixar Renders

It actually looks like the original thing! I think your attention to detail and taking time to get it just right is what’s making this render especially good.

That’s so cool! I agree with lizardgirl that it looks just like the original. Great job!

Made the Magic 8 ball. I might decide to add “Dont count on it” to the under side. Not sure if I want to or not. Ive also learned how to fake focal blur in photoshop, as you’ll see in two of thsese pics.

Kyle - I take it that you’re a Pixar employee or something, because those renders are nothing short of incredible…

– Mitch

DUDE! good stuff!!! :smiley:

Yes Mitch, I am a Pixar employee, we’re just about ready to jump into full production for Toy Story 3 once we wrap up a few more shots with Up and then I woke up and none of that’s true and I’m a no body. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks, I do appreciate it.

I did the bottom of the bed.

A Pixar employee huh Kyle? Okay, you made me just jealous of you. It must be a dream com true working there.

You did read my whole post right?

Kyle - Ha! Believe me, a nobody wouldn’t be pouring out work such as that.

You’re welcome, by the way!

– Mitch

Ill admit its good stuff, but i think wed know if he was a pixar employee. :stuck_out_tongue:

Think about it, if I were, why would I need to re create this stuff? I would probably have access to the original models and such. haha

Kyle - Very true. I was just kidding, of course, and getting my hopes up at the same time. (heh)

Have you ever considered applying for a position at Pixar?

– Mitch

Working there would be dream come true, so I do hope to apply one day, but right now I’m nowhere close to having the skillset for them. I plan to go to art college,right now Im eyeing one called Expression in CA, which is like 6 miles away from Pixar’s studios, so I’ll at least have porfolio and/or demo reel to show. but Im hardly qualified yet. not to mention Im on the opposite coast.

To even have a chance I need specialised skills, original ones, not just copying, which is what Im doing now. fan art.

Until then I need to find a job around here to save up for my move to CA. that in itself will be an uphill battle.

Back to this project for a sec, Im working on Ham. will probably have him close to finished by tomorrow.

Kyle - I browsed that Expression College’s official website, and the student work that has come out of it is most impressive. It seems like an exceptional university to attend, and the location is a prime one.

Well, refutation aside, I still see potential in both you and your work. From the looks of it, you have a firm grip on computer graphics programs, so at least you have that knowledge in your favor. I know that distance and tuition is a factor, but if you’re determined enough to achieve your goal then I’m sure you’ll succeed.

All the best to you in working your way into the animation/entertainment industry! :smiley:

– Mitch

P.S. I look forward to viewing your model of Hamm.

:laughing: That was hilarious, Kyle…!

You do amazing work in computer graphics and modeling! :smiley: It looks exactly like Andy’s room. :wink: I don’t think I would ever have the patience to make every detail perfect. So kudos to you for that!

Also, I’m excited to see your model of Hamm. He’s one of my all-time favorite characters! Yay!!! :smiley:

Keep it up, Kyle! You really have some extreme potential right here…

little chef

yeah, we’ll see. realisticly I dont expect for this to all work out. an online friend of mine went to this college, and dispite being very good he never managed to land a job (although he almost got a position at Apple), and now he’s pretty much givin up on anything in the industry and is trying to find any job he can. He regrets the whole thing. this is pretty common. even if it seems like you have the tallent you still need a whole lot of luck to get anywhere in the industry.

But I dont plan on giving up. I do need to work on a plan B though, which could mean attending college locally and learning something less artsy like web design in case the animation thing fails horribly.

Anyway, heres a peek at what Ive been working on. sorry its so small, this took like 6 hours to render as it is, heh (in hindsight it probably wasnt worth doing ray traced reflections just yet).

Hamm looks great so far, Kyle! His shape and expression is perfect. Are you going to put him into Andy’s room when he’s complete?

It seems like the creative industries in general are difficult to get into, even if you have the qualifications and the skills. But it’s always worth trying!

Hamm looks really cute. . .for someone with no legs. :wink: Just kidding. He is really well done, seriously. How many characters will you create? Will you incorperate them into Andy’s room?

Of course, anything that belongs in Andy’s room will eventually make it in there, this is just a separate mode of sorts where I can create new models with no distractions to be more efficient. once I give him legs, cork hole etc he’ll be moved into the room.

How many characters will I make? As many as I can. I’m not sure I’m good enough to make the more complex characters like buzz and woody, believe me Ive tried, and they have turned out embarrassingly bad. I couldn’t even finish buzz’s vest thing (for lack of a better word) and Woody never got a head, hands or feet. I couldn’t go back to those models if I wanted to, just an FYI, as they were on the old hard drive that died. they weren’t worth saving anyway though. I may still have pictures of em though. Woody at least.

I do think I’ll end up doing characters such as Lenny, Etch-a-sketch, and other simpler toys. just have to see how things go. very often I’ll start something but move on before I’m finished

I like how Hamm is coming along. Looks very nice! Can’t wait to see him when he is done! And I’m also excited to see what else you make!