Musical Instruments!

I am very dedicated, but I do need something to let my anger out and music was just the key. :open_mouth: My anger is what kept me dedicated. I know that sounds harsh. :blush: But it is what it is. Part of the reason why I like Cars so much was the way it helped my anger but thatā€™s a story to tell in the off-topic part on a rainy day when you have nothing to do. :confused:

Iā€™ll be sure to post some of my song covers on YouTube to show you people. I have no problems doing that. :slight_smile:

I took up the violin 2 and a half years ago and I love, love, LOVE it! :smiley: Iā€™m very dedicated!

I can also play piano, though Iā€™m not very skilled and I gave up on lessons every time I tried to have them; and Iā€™m currently learning guitar.

Guitar is so fun if your willing to ruin your hands. :wink:

I love it though. I think you will too.

Ruin my hands? O.o

Jessie, that list is amazing! I canā€™t believe one person can play all of those.

I can play piano, but thatā€™s really it :smiley: I canā€™t even really play it, I just get tutorials off YouTube and learn. So itā€™s not official. I also have a harmonica, and I mess around with that, but Iā€™m no where near good at playing it

I started playing piano when I was five, but for various reasons I had to quit three years later. When I was 8 I started playing the clarinet in homeschool band but I switched to bass clarinet later that year. When I was 9 I started playing alto sax. I started taking violin lessons in 2006, and two or three years ago I started playing guitar. Two years ago I started playing tenor saxophone and I pretty much fell in love with it. And almost three weeks ago I started learning the baritone, which has been pretty hard since Iā€™ve never played a brass instrument before.

Jessie, that really is astounding! Iā€™d love to hear a recording of you playing something one day :smiley:

Iā€™ve been taking piano lessons for a year and a half and Iā€™m not afraid to admit I am terrible at it for someone whoā€™s been practicing for that long, but itā€™s kinda fun, and I guess thatā€™s all that really matters. My sister used to play guitar and can manage an ocarina. Iā€™ve tried the ocarina before and itā€™s not too difficult, I just hate putting my mouth on a woodwind instrument someone elseā€™s mouth has touched. xD

I wish I knew how to play guitar and piano. Iā€™ve always wanted to learn.

I play saxophone.

Iā€™ve been playing it pretty much since 7th grade.

Iā€™m also teaching myself the piano.

And Iā€™m considering playing the viola in the future.

I play the piano (but not very well) and the trumpet.
Iā€™m really into more obscure instruments though, Iā€™d love to get my hands on a theremin, and at the moment Iā€™m teaching myself how to play the ocarina.

Iā€™ve never heard either of those instruments! What are they?

A theremin is pretty much a radio with two antennas sticking out different ends and you change the pitch and volume by moving your hands between them. It makes a really cool creepy electronic sound, kind of like the original Star Trek theme tune. Theyā€™re $200+ though, and most of the ones you buy you actually have to assemble first.
The ocarina is a really old wind instrument (12,000+ years) that kind of sounds like a pan flute or panpipes. I got mine as a preorder bonus when I bought The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the 3DS and havenā€™t been able to put it down since. 8D



Those are crazy looking :smiley: Especially the ocarina. Itā€™s amazing that you can play those, I donā€™t think I ever could!

Iā€™ve played the clarinet for about it a year now :slight_smile:. I really enjoy playing it with a band, although I would love to learn the piano one day.
My sisterā€™s the proper musician though! Grade 8 alto sax, grade 7 clarinet, and she also plays the tenor sax, piano, violin and flute. Sheā€™s hopefully joining the army band when sheā€™s 18, so yay for her :slight_smile:

I have a YouTube account with me playing some. :slight_smile: I can send you a video on Twitter.

Draik- Whoa! Those are crazy cool instruments! Reminds me of one of my favorites, the Armonica. NOT the Harmonica, but a different instrument popular in the 18th century, invented by Benjamin Franklin, and popular with many people, including Marie Antoinette.

Only the clarinet right here. :blush: I hate it. It sounds like a kazoo with a tummy ache.

I mainly play the violin, been playing it for close to ten years. And I can also kinda play piano, but not much.

Thatā€™s awesome! Theyā€™re both very beautiful instruments.

I play the Guitar and Harmonica