Miley Cyrus

YA RLY :sunglasses:

Her abilities are okay, but everyone likes her image.

I don’t mind watching Hannah Montana if there’s nothing particularly good on, it’s kind of funny in a ‘sitcomy’-way, plus I liked the exaggerated reactions of the characters to whatever predicaments they find themselve in.
Never really listened much to her songs. Thought she has decent acting and singing capabilities, but I feel she’s a bit overrated, just a teenybopper singer.
Really looking forward to her first voice acting role in Bolt, though. This is gonna be cool!
“You’ve got the best of both worlds!”

Sorry to say it but shes gonna go the same way as all those teen stars, bottoming out once they’re to old to sell teen stuff and realize they weren’t quite up to the level of ability they imagined. Then they take drugs, get in trouble with the law. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes I am hypocritical but Lindsy Lohan and Brittany Spears ect. are clear examples.

shudder The only thing with her in it that I found amusing was a fan-made music video with her as a cardboard cut-out. Hysterical. I think it was mean for people to say the cardboard cut-out had more talent than the actual actress 
 but seeing as I don’t watch the show, I can’t argue that. xD

LOL! I saw that too! Honesty, the more I see her the worse of an actress she seems. Maybe because I just started middle school, whenever I see a glimpse of the show I can’t help but be like “WHAT? THATS WRONG! IT’S NOT LIKE THAT! MIDDLE SCHOOL IS NOT THAT PREPPY AND HAPPY!”

Yes, unfortunately, it’s more cynical. :wink: Props goes to them for trying to influence us into changing for the better.

I actually like her songs. You’re the sick people who always pick on these celebrities for some twisted, sick fantasies of yours.

Rac-Rules: Middle school is the worst. Worser than high school, because that’s where the labeling begins. So much hatred contained in those three years. I got picked on and called a dirty rocker for wearing one button pin on my bag. One single freakin’ button pin! :stuck_out_tongue:

And, this is getting off-topic but I do hope that people don’t think that what happens in High School Musical happens in real high school. From what I’ve seen in the commercials 
 it’s not like that at all. xD Sorry if I’ve burst anyone’s bubble.

It’s called ‘entertainment,’ it doesn’t have to be anything like real life at all. What they are trying to do is to change the aspect of life through these optimistic views. But no, instead, people choose to spend their time on pointing out their cynical views about them.

No, not really. I think they are writing it for younger kids because that is the sad, twisted vision of middle school that is forced upon them. If they showed what MS is really like, they wouldn’t get any viewers.

And do you really want school to be filled with rich beautiful people who’s main issue in life is that she and they’re best friend like the same guy, where bullying is no big deal and the norm, and the popular kids are always super rich, stupid, and maliciously obnoxious? I don’t. :~o At my school the popular kids aren’t that rich (and a lot of them aren’t that mean, and is they are they don’t mean to be), the un-popular kids are just left alone to go about their business, and everyone has a group of friends. The normal kids, the goth kids, the popular kids, the almost-popular kids, the GT kids, the theater kids, the wanna-be gang kids, the actual gang kids(don’t worry, we have very few and they aren’t that bad). The problem with that is that if they showed that on TV everyone would think it’s boring.

In the show, those people don’t get a happy ending in the end. :unamused:

Rac-Rules: Definitely. xD I was scared of high school back when I was much younger - last thing I wanted to see was some twisted story of what it’s really like! I know they don’t make it realistic, but when it’s so far from what it is 
 it’s scary.

I do wish life was a musical though 
 dreamy-far-off-look x)

What are you talking about? The main character is just like that!

-She’s rich.
-Her biggest drama is boy stuff :unamused:
-She’s whiny, obnoxious, and a smart alec, but that is shown as normal teenage girl stuff. (I would hate her if I knew her!)
-She’s obviously attractive but she can’t be popular, no. Those kids are always jerks :unamused:
-She is cyber-bullyed by the popular kids but that is seen as normal and okay. (I count that episode with the “popular list” (Which no one ever does in real life, by the way, even the popular kids have better things to do) cyber bullying)

Uh, no! It’s not seen as ‘okay.’ The show had a bad light on her when Sharpay starts acting like a jerk. In other words, it’s a method of education teaching people that being mean does not get you good things.

Well, no. In that episode, the girls where disappointed but it did not show how much something like that could destroy a persons ego. And when did it ever bring consequences to the bullies?

Point is, yes, they teach lessons. But they are really just “Golden Rule” lessons, stuff they teach you in elementary school. They never show you how to deal with death, depression, or how to feel confident if you aren’t beautiful and rich, which is what they should do.

I read from a magazine article that her father raises her with rules like “Don’t be like Lindsay”, meaning her dad is telling her not to end up doing drugs. I sure hope she will still be drug-free even long after she’s history to us.

I understand if people don’t like her songs or don’t watch her show- that’s fine, because it’s your personal opinion whether or not she appeals to you.
However, in defense of Miley, I say that you can’t go as far as hating her and badmouthing her as a person if you don’t know her. And I don’t mean “know” as in you’ve seen her on T.V. I mean really know her.

Off-topic: And yeah, I know real life isn’t like in the show. But it’s entertainment, and shows/movies exaggerate some parts because its focusing on the character’s main problem in the episode/film.

bright dot-dasher: I’m not big on hating her or anything (too much energy wasted if you ask me) but 
 from the pictures that have leaked out, I wouldn’t want to get to know her. After all those suggestive photos on the web 
 okay, I know average teenagers do that, but if you’re a star, especially a Disney star, you need to gain some maturity and responsibility and just not do that. It didn’t even happen just once - it happened several times, so apparently she just doesn’t learn or she just loves the negative attention (better than no attention at all, I suppose.)

I agree with FONY. I don’t hate her, but I don’t like they way she acts.

Rac_Rules: Wow, you just summed up my whole paragraph in a single sentence! :laughing:

I apologize if you thought I was directing the message at you guys. :blush: Please understand that my previous post was actually just a note on how I feel about people who say personal stuff about Miley (more on YouTube, where I heard some nasty stuff about her and her fans). So, sorry if I struck you with those words.