Impersonate a Random Celebrity: Home Edition

Michelle Yeoh, then? Can’t think of anyone else.

Yes, it is Michelle Yeoh. :smiley: I saw a biography of her today. I love Chinese and Japanese culture, and celebrities.

Well, aside from Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Ziyi, and Lucy Liu, I don’t know that many asian actresses.

I discarded Lucy Liu cause she is actually from New York.

Funny coincidence, that’s why I didn’t pick her to imitate. 8D She’s undoubtedly the most beautiful of the 3.

Clues#1: I voice an unseen TV character. I’m a Star Wars fan and own lots of dogs.

Oh boy, this is a tricky one. I’m probably gonna need more clues. THis is a challenge SoA.

Ok, more clues.

Clues#1: I voice an unseen TV character. I’m a Star Wars fan and own lots of dogs.

Clues#2: I’m blonde, short, really pretty and portrayed a detective in a TV series.

Sarah Michelle Gellar?


Clues#1: I voice an unseen TV character. I’m a Star Wars fan and own lots of dogs.

Clues#2: I’m blonde, short, really pretty and portrayed a detective in a TV series.

Clues#3: Said detective’s last name is that of a planet. My own last name is that of a percussive musical instrument.

:open_mouth: I will never guess correctly.

Kirsten Bell?

TSS wins! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Sweet! That was a fun one. It was hard, but the Planet clue gave me a starting point.

I have a lot of favorite celebs, but I wannt think of a hard one too. Hmmm… what to do?

I know this is over a week old, but yes! You were correct.

And Spirit, I’m still confused. Hugh Laurie was nominated for an Annie? For what?

Oh my gosh. I just realized that it was my turn and I haven’t thought of a celeb yet. Okay. I’ve got one now. I’ll try to make this hard, but i don’t want to give away anything.


  1. I moved from the Buckeye State to the Sunshine State one year ago.

  2. From my first home to my second home, there is a seventeen number difference.

  3. I don’t have any rings, but I do have gold.

Monsters Vs. Aliens.

I don’t have idea who’s yours, TSS.

EJE: Yay! I’m happy now. :smiley:

TSS, I have no idea who that is.

Oh I got a tough one. I’ll wait for a few more guesses, or a few more hours, then I’ll post a new clue.

Okay, here are more clues.

  1. I’m one of the best at what I do.

  2. Because of one “decision”, I made a lot of people in my home state want to have my head.

  3. I never attended college.