First officially released Brave concept art

Thanks for standing up for me, guys.

It appears this… fellow, has had a bad experience with Rango, Secret of the N.I.M.H. and several Zack Snyder movies. While it seems he’s absolutely impressed with most of Pixar’s films including Toy Story 3, I’m afraid I will not fan his indignation by posting my personal opinions or well-intentioned constructive criticisms. So to you, RandiJ, I apologise if I have offended you, and to that, I say:

Oh, and please no double-posting.

Aaanyway, I’m really looking forward to Brave. I’m pleased Brenda Chapman is getting a director’s credit, the lady deserves it. I’m also interested to see what this Mark Andrews brings to the table, and if he is indeed a Scotsman (as I’ve read in one of the posts), that should make the direction all the more authentic!

Also, thanks for posting the image, Spirit of Adventure. I think Merida looks much better than the horse, TBH! :slight_smile:

I adore the concept art for Brave, I really do. It’s beautiful. Pixar has been disappointing me with all their sequels lately a bit but this makes up for it, really.

AGREED. Though I’m still holding out for Cars 2 and Monsters University.

The concept art does look cool. (although I too wonder how the topic of Rango came into play here) Still not sold on the name, but whatever. I especially liked the one with the castle.