Favorite Voice Actor?

I agree with this. It really bugs(haha) me how she treats Flik for most of the film. :angry:

“I’m so much higher than you Flik, I think you’re a loser, everyone thinks you’re a loser…brings back the circus bugs Oh I love you Flik, you’re so awesome Flik, I’m just like you!”

Stupid woman! 8D

Exactly!!! She seems so self-righteous to me. :unamused: And she’s an ant!! Of all the species to be arrogant…

Even at the end she seems to have a smug expression on her face. :angry:
I got right mad at her when I was little.

Totally. Only I’m more for the movie now then when I was littler. But she still rubs me the wrong way…

Alright. Lemme just get this out of the way.

Even though I love the movie dearly (it’s my favorite Pixar film for many reasons), I think that Atta and Flik’s relationship just wasn’t developed enough and it somehow felt (a bit) forced and rushed. They’re a great couple, they just needed more screentime.

In the beginning of the film Atta is very insecure and anxious, taking herself far too serious and, most important of all, doesn’t know herself. She hold herself to high ideals, too high, actually, and wants to be every inch a righteous queen as her mother, her mother before her, and so on.Over the course of the movie she grows into herself and learns what she wants and needs. By the end of the film she knows herself, her worth, and what it takes to lead. She isn’t stuck up or self-righteous, she’s the exact opposite. She is brave, kind, loyal and true.

I guess they could have developed their relationship a little more. But I think they wanted to focus on Flik and the circus bugs more, so maybe too much romance would have been distracting.

That’s a point though. The relationship was underdeveloped, and it just seemed a bit weird that Atta was all flirtatious towards Flik at the end when, 20 minutes ago in the film, she was yelling at him and telling him how much he’d screwed up. The relationship between them as a whole seemed very love-hate, and yet there was nothing there originally (from what we can gather) that would cause her to either love or hate Flik.
Unless theres something we don’t know about, and in that case, I want a short film too! :smiley:

It’s sort of like Linguini/Collette. It makes no sense whatsoever, but I still love it! 8D

Oh, don’t get me started on Linguini and Collette! 8D

You hate it? Most people here do. But I think it’s adorable.

Linguini and Collette are awesome characters on their own-my favourite 2 from the film-but together, I felt it was rushed and uncalled for.

That makes sense.

I think Flik and Linguini are both as epically awesome as eachother :slight_smile:
Back on topic (sortoff, well not really) I watched some of Kids In The Hall with Dave Foley (no kidding, I’d never heard of it, it’s not a British thing). Oh my godness, the guy is so funny! 8D .

I saw him on NewsRadio. I didn’t really like the show, but it was cool to hear his voice coming out of a human.

I adore him and News Radio. He was my favorite part of the show, I honestly got bummed every time the spot light left him ;x

Ah, well I’ve never watched NewsRadio, I shall have to check it out.
But yeah, they did such a good job with the casting for ABL imo. Dave Foley, awesome. Kevin Spacey, awesome. Denis O’Leary, awesome. And so on…

Yeah, that’s the best cast Pixar movie, IMO. Brad Garrett is great too. Not only in a bug’s life, but in general also!

Agreed five times over.

I agree he was the best part of Newsradio. Otherwise it was boring, which is why I quit watching. I really like ABL’s cast too. I think it’s weird that it has the most stars in its cast, but it’s the least popular Pixar movie. :confused: