Favorite part/scene

For me, it’s a toss-up between the Define Dancing scene and near the end, when Eve draws close to WALL-E’s lifeless body, humming a tune, quietly…Gets me every time. :wink:

Just out of curiosity, why is the scene, where Wall-e and Eve are flying in the space, called Define Dancing? Is it somehow connected with Captain’s ‘Define hoe-down?..’ it seems that ‘define this or that’ is not the main point in that scene. So, Define Dancing is something about Wall-e and Eve, so what does that expression mean? Does it have some extra, idiomatic meaning?

I always thought it was because of the Captain saying ‘define dancing’ at the same time, plus the ironic side of its meaning- the Captain, a human, doesn’t know what dancing is, when on the other hand, two robots do. Dancing is such a human trait, technically pointless, and therefore something that you wouldn’t expect robots to do, which is I guess what makes the title ‘Define Dancing’ all the more interesting.

Because, it’s the name of the song, and in the middle of it the Captain says "Computer, define “dancing”. I dunno, define dancing is kinda boring to me now. I like the stalking scenes. Also, the sad IOTAM parts. I love being in WALL-E’s truck.


;-p I loved the part when Wall-e got make-up put on him and the reaction he had. I loved everything about that movie but that part was hilarious.:mrgreen:

Now I especially love the scene when Eve asks Wall-e about his directive. She says ‘Classified’ and [disgustingly?] turns away from Wall-e. But she can’t resist her curiosity, turns to Wall-e again and asks him about his name. All that takes not more than a second, but this is funny :slight_smile:

I always thought of her turning away as being more of a privacy thing, like saying, '“this is none of your business”. But that’s one of my favourite scenes too, Actine. The start of a beautiful relationship!

Gotta pick Auto’s “Directive A113” scene. Fear and fury permate from both parties and know no bounds.

Interpretation available in “Auto’s Story”, fan fiction section.

I like the part when Wall-e is fascinated by Mo cleaning the dirty marks on the floor. And I like all of the parts on earth, especially when Eve walks by the fish and it starts singing.

I love the part when WALL•E and EVE hug each other and dance together in space. I just see it as them enjoying themselves without a care in the universe; it’s a time for playing, excitement, pleasure, and bliss. <3

The part I found really amusing in the theater was when Captain McCrea hides in front of his own portrait and jumps Auto. I couldn’t help but chuckle at that.

Recently, that scene has had me nearly moved to tears, and I can’t explain why… it’s just so… omg dkfkasjf so freakin’ beautiful… <3

GRAHHH to pick a favorite scene from this film is absolutely futile!!! :open_mouth: But I’d have to say one of the scenes that probably gets me the most is the part at the end when WALL•E is unresponsive - and when EVE presses the play button on his front panel and no sound comes out… UGHHH the tears start rolling down my face every single time that part comes on. :cry:

Course I’m a sucker for that movie and a freakin’ sap to boot, so of course that’d make me cry every single time. :laughing:

little chef

When I saw that scene in the theaters, I was about to cry myself, especially when I heard EVE humming as she stood next to WALL•E.

Probably the only time (besides any Christmas movie involving faith in Santa Claus) have I ever cried. Only time in an animated movie, too.

Definitely the “Define Dancing” scene. It’s just… so… Sobs beautiful! :`-( ← tears of joy.

My favorite scene is when Eve asks for Wall-E’s directive, he gathers some trash and make the cube but it falls apart yet he still tells her “Ta-da!” :laughing: That scene cracks me up everytime.

I liked the parts that were in space, so when Wall E latches on to the space ship and the fire extinguisher thing. I liked the define dancing scene too jesse!

Believe it or not I actually pretty much came to tears watching that the last time I saw this movie. I’m not really sure why.

Maybe it’s cuz whenever I watch WALL•E now I can’t help but think of my own special WALL•E… <3

little chef

That Define Dancing scene has really seemed to grow on me. I think the first time I saw the movie it didn’t really mean all that much to me but now it’s like a special thing for me cuz now I have my eva <3

Mo is always the best part of the movie for me. Love that little guy :unamused:

The first time I saw him in the trailer sealed him as my favorite character from then on from the film.