Disney releases upcoming features slate through 2012.

So it’s true then…They are making a cars 2. But i bet it won’t have any or a few of the regular character voices in the sequel. I would be suprise if everybody and i mean everybody reprises their roles. Even if they don’t must likely i’ll still go see it when it comes to theaters.

Did JV not tell us? :stuck_out_tongue:

Four years is a short amount of time and Pixar has published long-term roadmaps before. Shortly after the release of Monsters Inc in 2001 Pixar announced their next three movies: Finding Nemo (2003), the Incredibles (2004), and Cars (2006). It wasn’t until the hardcore Disney strife started that Pixar took more of a wait-and-see attitude, releasing film information one-by-one for awhile (Cars, then Rat, then Wall-E).

Steve Jobs preferred to bundle up the movie announcements together as he thought a huge press release revealing 3 or more until-then-unknown movies made more of an impact than a press release of a single movie per year, and you can see from his Apple keynote speeches how important public announcements and perceptions are to him. :smiley:

Has anyone considered that this open-information for the next couple of Pixar films is kinda shows Pixar’s grand confidence in it’s execution of it’s next great masterpieces? :slight_smile:

YEEEAAAHHH. :astonished:

YES! (sorry Brad) :smiley:

does anyone think that Newt will be rated PG-13? cuz it really doesn’t sound like it’s for kids at all.

I think it would be fantastic if it is. Allows a much broader amount of cheeky humour similar to the Incredibles to be present in the film, that hooks adults but still engages children. There are plenty of concepts in Toy Story as an example that as a 13 year old I didn’t get until I was a bit older, great for repeat viewing as people get older.

Ratings are mostly ignored these days by parents edge ways, how many 10, 9 even 7 year olds did you see at a screening of Indiana Jones? I saw plenty.

forget MI, what about the Incredibles? GIVE MORE INCREDIBLES!

Wait so they line up is:
Up Summer 2009
Toy Story 3 Summer 2010
newt Summer 2011
The Bear and the Bow Fall 2011
Cars 2 Summer 2012

What is all this mumbo jumbo about 1906 and something something Moon and live action movies? What is Pixar planning?

I think this is a strong line up except for maybe Up, being Pixar’s 10th movie I would have thought they would’ve released something with more confidence. I think Up will not do as good as others. Also what about Monsters, Inc. 2 or FInding Nemo 2? Those would make much more better sequels than Cars, as much as I love Cars.

I’d be very happy with the line-up if Cars 2 wasn’t there, and I wouldn’t want Cars 2 to be replaced by any other sequel. Another original film would be just fine.

After all, Pixar have managed to do well with all of their previous films without having to resort to sequels (aside from Toy Story 2, of course, and that’s still an amazing film). I mean, they’ve gone all the way from Monsters, Inc. right up to Up without needing to do any sequels, and the quality of the films they’ve made has been consistently high. Not only that, but they’ve made loads of money- it’s not as though they need sequels to fund their more individual wacky projects, since they all make money.

But then that does imply that Pixar are making a Cars 2 simply because they want to. And since when has Pixar done anything for the money, or easy merchandising potential, or that sort of thing? With their track record, Cars 2 should hopefully end up to be quite some movie- IF Pixar are making it for themselves, and not for any other reason. Which they probably are. So it should be okay.

I think Cars 2 is definately the easiest to make a sequel to though compared to like Finding Nemo and Monsters Inc. It’s either Cars 2 or Incredibles 2 for me :slight_smile:

I like the sound of newt, I can just imagine them being all cute looking eee

1906 (Brad Bird) and John Carter of Mars (Andrew Stanton) are rumored to be some kinds of co-productions with Disney/Pixar and some outsider company, in 1906’s case Warner Bros.
The above list is the official animated cannon. And to me it looks just fine. I’m glad to see Cars 2 because I think it’s Pixar plussing their weakest film, which was pretty amazing anyways,
The only movie I’m not too crazy about is The Bear and teh Bow, but it’ll definitely grow on me, I just need some morre concept art…

martini833, I think Bear and the Bow sounds cute and different to any Pixar film they’ve done so far. I’m really intrigued how they’re going to do their version of a fairytale and hopefully it won’t be anything like that film with red riding hood, urhhhh, Hoodwinked yeah.

It’s not that I’m not excited at all, it’s just different ideas are more or less appealing to me, and a fairytale sounds really cool, the subject matter I don’t know about. I’m sure Pixar will blow me away, though.

[size=84]I literally squealed when I saw Cars 2 on the list. :smiley:
And the good thing is; I’ll be old enough to drive to it! -brick’d- |D;;[/size]

The up teaser is already amazing!

you said it…

cars-2…okay this had better be good for them to attempt.
The Bear and the Bow-what???..okay sounds good but don’t let it get out of hand.
John Carter of Mars (quick comment)-no way…they had better not put that out. It doens’t even start to feel like pixar. (unless they are changing)

Ugh! Why must everyone bash Cars!!! (Yes, extra exclamation points for extra emphasis.) It may have not been the critics’ best movie, but come on! Cars is still a great movie! It’s my favorite, and there is stuff to expand on. (Me and my neighbor are making like the best fanfic ever for it, so we can expand.) I’m not gonna go on and on like I did in Cars 2: A good or bad thing? (Go there if you wanna read my full tyrade [towards the end of the forum]) But seriously, why must everyone hate it!!!

Another Cars 2 basher here! I just can’t see where the characters can grow from where they are now. Just too many 2D characters. First was a good film in it’s own right, but the interest isn’t there from me.

I’ve got nothing against Cars 2. Honestly when the Cars ended I was left with questions and speculations regarding what might happen next. So it’s one of the few Pixar movies where I can say “Yeah I think they can take this story somewhere else. I want to see what happened next”. I learned my lesson with Monsters Inc never to judge a Pixar movie till I’ve actually seen it, and so far I’ve stuck to that. There have been other Pixar movies that, based on what I heard, didnt sound appealing, but ended up better once I saw it. Of course, not having Doc is going to leave a big void for me because I was really itching to see him again (plus he was a central character), but that’s nobody’s fault. And to a lesser extent I’ll miss Fillmore too. But I’m totally willing to wait and see how it shapes up.