Character Discussion: Hopper


Hopper is my favourite character in this(but what can I say I usually like a villain character the most 95% of the time).

A lot of others have excuses though and aren’t even always really that bad…Hopper didn’t have an excuse, as far as we know. I do prefer the ones that have a backstory and a reason though because I find I can relate to them more.

Anyway I agree with him actually that birds can be dangerous…because even though us humans aren’t bugs…one time when my sister and I were little a bird pooped in my sister’s milk and since milk isn’t clear she didn’t see it and she drank it and our mom had to call the doctor’s right away because my sister could have gotten very sick from that. She could have even contracted something and died potentially.

That’s the thing about birds…they’re really the only wild animal that can poop on you or in your food. Sometimes my pets poop on me…but at least I know they aren’t wild animals that potentially carry a lot of diseases…and at least it’s not going to go in my food.

I have nothing against any kind of animal really…but birds really are the only ones that can do what I just mentioned. LOL.

I’m kind of the same way. I usually like the villians, and this is especially true with Pixar which as an amazing cast of villians.

And one thing I like especially in villians is when they have a fear. It makes them extremely vulnerable, and much easier to believe. And Hopper with his fear of birds is a great example of this.

Wow. I’m amazed how deep we Pixar fans can get when we’re psychoanalyzing characters like Hopper! :smiley:
Anyway, I would say that Hopper is the nastiest Pixar villian - perhaps the nastiest Disney villian period. I’d like to say he’s my favorite, but well… if it weren’t for his great voice and his bits of wry sarcasm and the fact that’s a Pixar character, I’d absolutely despise him! He’s so evil! I mean, not only is he evil, but he’s demanding, a jerk, kind of overpowering, and rather… ugly… (which is an almost impossible for any Pixar character to be, villian or otherwise!). But I wouldn’t ask for him to be anything else; he’s also the reason that ABL has such an awesome ending! Pixar can make some amazingly awesome evil villians, and the worse the villian, the more victorious the hero or heroes’ triumph feels! Ever since I saw ABL, I have been working on a villian character in one of my novels and aspiring him to be about that evil! So thank you Pixar for making such a delightfully despicable villian :slight_smile:

Heehee, that’s what internet fans do!

And I agree, he is so nightmarishly evil, and as you said nasty. He’s a dictator after all. He’s defintely up there with the most evil Disney characters.

lol I actually didn’t think he was ugly but I’m kind of weird.

^Well, I don’t think Hopper’s really all that ugly, really; I frankly find all Pixar characters cute in some way or another simply because they’re Pixar! :slight_smile:

Awww. XD

I actually admit I had a bit of a crush on Hopper when the film came out back when I was about 14 years old. LOL.


hahaa, I don’t have the same sentiments. He does have an awesome voice though.

It’s kind of odd, I know. lol. I remember I made a female grasshopper for him a really long time ago when I was like 15. 8D

I mean, we never saw any female grasshoppers in the movie though so I was also just curious what one would probably look like in Pixar-style so that was another reason why I made her.

I came across the old picture I made of her recently actually when cleaning stuff out. I think I threw it out though, along with all my other old pictures. lol. Maybe I should have kept it, it actually wasn’t a bad drawing for something I drew so long ago. I remember I named her Lacy. 8D Pronounced like “lace” plus a “y” on the end.

Oh, if you find it please upload a picture! I’d like to see it!

I’m almost positive I threw it out. :frowning: I cleaned out my room a few months ago and found a lot of old stuff like that under my bed that I got rid of.

I can always try drawing her again though at some point…although I haven’t really drawn anything in quite a while.