Show off your Computer

rachel - Heheh – very cool. I love your desktop

wallpaper, obviously. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

You think the switch you made was drastic? My family went from a Windows '98

(or was it a '95?) to a…umm…faster modem. I don’t remember what we have now, but it sure is alot faster and

more effecient than the older version. The only bad thing is that it doesn’t play all of my old computer games,

which sucks like rotten shrimp. :unamused:

:cry: :cry: :cry: i can’t

I’ve finally got round to taking a photo of my computer and desk. I’m sure it won’t stay this tidy for long.



finally got round to taking a photo of my computer and desk. I’m sure it won’t stay this tidy for long. :stuck_out_tongue:


Let me guess your specs lizardgirl. Compaq Presario with

Windows XP Home Edition


Sempron processor

160 GB hard drive

512 MB Memory

Integraded ATI XPRESS 200 graphics


With the media center in the front



dear – I’m sorry about that. That sucks! :frowning:

lizardgirl - Your desk sure is

alot cleaner than mine! Nice computer, by the way. :wink:

nightwheel- Wow! I’m sure you’re right, but unfortunately I have no way of

confirming the specs of my computer since I don’t actually know. :laughing:

Mitch- Thanks! I’ve been trying to keep tidy since when you’re revising,

any hint of being unorganised just messes the whole system up. :laughing:

lizardgirl - Heheh – you are most welcome! :wink:

Actually, I always thought that messy computer desks rock, which is odd…because I’m a neat freak big

time. However, I suppose that any desk could do with a little tidying up when company comes to visit. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s a heater??? it looks more like a…well…idk, but it doesn’t look like a


Lol, are radiators different in America? I guess you call them heaters instead.

What do they look like? :laughing:

Like, (sorry, this is a little OT) but me and my mum had this massive

discussion after watching War of the Worlds, and I was wondering if you could clear something up for us- are

there really such things as peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? Because it seems pretty strange to put jelly in a

sandwich…But is it actually jelly, jelly, or is that a name for something else? Because what I’m thinking of

is the jelly you have like jelly and ice cream, like the wobbly jelly, and I’m not sure how that’d taste in a

sandwich! :laughing:

Well, most of the heaters

I’ve seen are attached to the wall at the bottom. And they usually go from one end of the wall to the other

Sorry if that oesn’t make sense, I’ve never had to describe a heater to anyone! :laughing:

Our ones are attached to the wall, but they dont go

right across or anything…Lol, I need to Google an American heater! :laughing:

My mom owns one exacly just like yours. That the only reson that i said all of those specs.

because my mom left he stickers on. Shes had it for 2 years

Here are some pics

of my set up, I know my computer room is a complete mess.

You may notice some stitch stuff as well the

Tower of Terror is my favorite ride at Disney MGM so I have a poster a Goofy and Stitch character form there as



Here is a screenshot of my


lizardgirl – Lol! YOu guys don’t have Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches over

there? Maybe Jelly is called something else. American Jelly is like a preserve (cannned fruits), with a ton of

sugar – to a point where you can’t really taste the fruit all that much. Huh…that’s just so wierd! In

America, PB&Js are like the national sandwich. Funny getting a different perspective. :smiley:

aZnCdn: dude, that is so cool. i love your desktop of the

4 delienquients on there.

Gasduude- LOL, I SEE now! :laughing:

Your jelly = our jam!
Our jelly = your



You can see why I was so confused- I thought you were putting jello in your

sandwiches. :laughing:

Well, glad that’s cleared up.

aZnCdn- Your desk is

awesome…It has so many layers!

HAHAHA, I don’t know why, but that statement is making me laugh out loud!!!


Ya so many layers of junk :confused:

I need to take a day and clean my

computer room.

[quote="The Star

aZnCdn: dude, that is so cool. i love your desktop of the 4 delienquients on


Thanks, I can imagine you would have nothing but Incredibles on your desktop


Uh, you got that right aZnCdn. :wink: