I hate this film!

every person has there own perception and they can even like or hate things. but i love this movie alot.

Very good point!

yeah snowflake that’s a good point!

I’ve actually have yet to meet someone F2F that actually hates this movie.

I do, I hate this film! But I also love the film too.

I know one person who doesn’t like Ratatouille. He doesn’t like any movie that isn’t action. 8D

That person has no account for taste than. He’s as thin as Anton Ego is.

Yes, he’s a very annoying person.

It doesn’t make me hungry. I don’t really like fancy expensive food. Those expensive restaurants charge you way too much and they barely give you any food. I like good old hamburgers.

It’s an art.

But I don’t mind either. I’d be confortable with eating at Gusteaus and a fast food place.

The Food does look amazing. But that gives me more reason to love the Movie, because of how much effort they put to make everything look fantastic. There is so much detail in all of their films that it only makes me appreciate their hard work even more.

I agree with Pixarmilan The food is amazing and they put so much detail on it. But I also agree with you. I watched the movie about 3 or 4 times, and all of the times I watched it I was actually starving at the end. But I don’t hate the film because of that though, I love the film.