I hate this film!

I would love to be able to cook as good Remy, IncredigirlVirginia! But sadly I do not have enough culinary expertise to master such a tasteful art. :cry:

I think the worst thing about this movie is that the characters, the storylines, and the art is so beautiful beyond anything else that it practically forces the viewer to have seconds watching it. But you can’t stop at one. You wanna have another delicious helping of the film, and then another. I’m certain that if Ratatouille (film) was food, then I’d be morbidly obese.

I remembered eating lunch before I watched this movie. And it still made me hungry when we left the threatre. I guess that is what watching Ratatouille will do to you. It will make you hungry because the food looks so darn good.

The soup Remy made looked good.

Pixarfan91: I agree! I think out of all the dishes that were made in that movie, the soup is the one that I’d want to try the most! I love soup.

Yeah, people were giving me warnings about how good the food looked, and so I saved my snacks and it worked, but only for a little while, because I ran out of snacks!

Haha, whilst the film has never made me hungry (I eat too much junk food, so I don’t really eat a lot of the dishes they prepare in the movie), the food does look good! The grapes, the bread, the cheese, the ratatouille…

Okay, you guys just made me really hungry :angry:

Wasn’t Remy’s rataouille based off of the chef they consulted for the movie’s ratatouille? I mean, the appearance.

Haha, yeah watching Ratatouille can make me hungry too. Just like watching Food Network :wink:


I’m surprised Ratatouille hasn’t been shown on Food Network yet!

It would be cool to see Ratatouille on Food Network someday. 8D

I would wanna see that.

My word. Never in my life have I watched a movie in which I wanted to devour absolutely every food item shown on screen.

I was just looking at that picture of Remy eating grapes, and I can literally taste them, all crisp and juicy, whenever I’m watching that scene.

And that cheese. It makes me excited. I mean, look at it. It just looks so fresh and creamy and tasty. And I’m not a huge fan of cheese by itself, but that cheese… just. Oh my gosh. :open_mouth:

The bread. The bread. You’re right - cartoon food should not look this good.

The soup that Remy makes looks divine. I’m serious, I have no idea what it might taste like, but it has to taste amazing or else it wouldn’t have impressed Solene Leclaire or Anton Ego. (Though the ratatouille impressed him more in the end, you could tell when he took a sip of the soup that he liked it, or was at least surprised at how good it was.)

sigh Now you’ve got me all in a fangirly gushy mood about this movie. <3

little chef

I’m not scared of rats (i like them) But this movie was really boring,to slow and well it didn’t seem to much like a movie for kids,I was 12 when i saw it and i couldn’t wait for it to be over. :-\

Wait, hating a movie because it makes you hungry? Okay then. :laughing: But then I do have to agree, Pixar did a marvelous job at portraying the food.

I thought it was awesome because for ONCE rats weren’t portrayed as plague-ridden pests… and they were even wild ones, not fancy ones! Huh. Pixar can make anything cute it seems. The only thing that irked me was the length of their tails - way too short!

I have two fancy rats myself, Flurl and Swoosh. That may explain why I love rats so much. Flurl isn’t in too good of a condition now though, he’s limping and Swoosh grooms him too powerful. Now they are separated. :c

Lynn, you should give it another shot. It’s a great movie. One of the better Pixar films, and it has the Incredibles’ director!!! :wink:

I was starved by the time I walked out of the theater…the food just looked that good. It just shows how awesome Pixar is in comparison to other studios when it comes to art.

I agree about the food, it looked just absolutely wonderful! I especially loved the tasting scenes where all the colors that represented that flavors were swirling around.

Me too…

Definitely the worst possible slap in the face to me, as a chef, from this film is the garbage. For the love of Pete, is PIXAR really that unable to make all food, including those that should look festering and rotting, look mouth wateringly yummy and delicious? I mean this

is NOT garbage! It looks like its simply fresh leftovers of a number 2 fruit cart off from a Whole Foods Market. I mean unless everything in France is that high quality, this unnaturally high grade garbage. This is not a compliment. I know this was supposed to be a contrast to the later prepared and fresh food that comes in the film, but really when your “Before” already looks this completely salivating it’s not. It just makes me thirst for garbage, which I shouldn’t have to be doing!

Pixar makes Garbage look delicious. ;-p What can I say? They’re good. Really good.

Okay, despite the strawberry being kinda brown, it does look very good. :open_mouth: