How To Raise A Racecar

If you would like to, I’m so not stopping you. :smiley:

Great idea, Snipe!

Wow, jessie, that was excellent! Yeah, sorry for being a little late, but I just finished reading all the chapters you’ve put up so far. I really enjoy your writing, like everyone else said, it’s really good!

You’re really good at portraying some characters very accurately, I think you got Mater spot on. At the same time, I also like how you’re not afraid to explore the other sides of the characters that the film never got into. For example you played into Mcqueen’s insecure, sensitive and troubled side, and you got into Doc’s jerky-ness, reminiscent of his racing days, and I thought that that was awesome!

The thing I like the most about your writing though is that you think like a true Pixarian! What I mean is, the plot is presented an unpredictable fashion that reminds me of Pixar. For example, at the end of chapter 4 when Lightning proposes, I’m pretty sure that every single reader expected for sure that Sally would say yes, because that would be the predicable and idealistic response. I was really surprised when she said no, but I liked that more because that’s probably what would’ve happened in reality if Lightning really was acting that way.

Sorry that post was so long! If there was anything that you should’ve gotten from all the stuff I just said, it is: your fanfic is awesome! :smiley:

It’s totally fine. There is no reason to be sorry at all. I’m really glad that you enjoy my writing. It’s always nice to see another person like my work. If they do, then I feel like I’ve done my job.

I guess the reason why I’m good at portraying the characters is that I live for this movie. This movie has been my life before it came out and ever since it came out. What you said about me not being afraid of showing another side of a character, no one should be afraid of that. Even if what your writing about that character isn’t even true! Some people don’t like when fanfiction writers go outside of a character’s personality. They forget that it’s a fanfiction. Keyword: fiction. It’s your story so one shouldn’t care what another thinks. (Unless they think it’s good! :wink:) I’m glad you like the way I explained them.

As per what you said about me being a true Pixarian, I’m very flattered. I thank you for that. :slight_smile:

Thanks for reading. The next chapter is coming soon. :slight_smile:

Hey, sorry it took me so long to do this, but here’s my first drawing:

If you have somewhere else you want me to put it, just tell me and I’ll move it there. :slight_smile:


That is SO funny!!!

I adore it!!! You drew it so good!

Thanks! :wink:

awwwww he is adorable! I think that is the cutest rendition of Mater I have ever seen.

I am going to head into the IRC room now if you are still online and want to chat.

I wish I could draw Mater :unamused: never could!

Thanks guys! :wink:

I must say, that little drawing re-ignited me a bit there, you might say. I haven’t created a colored drawing in a long time, and today I got down my art kit I that I haven’t touched in like three years. It’s not that I haven’t drawn in that long, I just haven’t drawn like that. So, thanks again, Jessie!

(hehe, I guess I was trying to see how many times I could use the word “haven’t” :smiley: )

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!! All those laughing smilies look so funny! :laughing:

Snipe: Your Mater drawing doesn’t look awesome, it IS awesome! We have so many talented artists here on Pixar Planet. :mrgreen:

Thanks, guys (or gals, I suppose). :sunglasses:

Jessie, those smilies almost gave me a seizure! Well, not really, but I was on my Ipod at the time and I scrolled down to all the smilies and it crashed my browser, lol.

Snipe, you can say guys and gals now, because I officially give you the Ding Seal of Approval! cue trumpet fanfare Seriously though, your Mater picture is awesome! I wish I could draw stuff well… Oh well, I guess I’ll just stick with stick figures. XD

You can still do funny stuff with stick figures! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yup, that’s right! :laughing:

Thanks Ding, and everyone else, for all the positive feedback! (and Jessie, I hope I haven’t taken over your thread to much. Really sorry about that. :blush: )

I don’t mind at all. :smiley:

Jessie, when’s your next story gonna be finished?

Chapter you mean? :stuck_out_tongue: It’s almost done. I’m stuck on one thing. :confused:

Yeah, I meant chapter. :blush: I can’t wait! :smiley:

~Chapter 7~
It was a bright sunny day. Sally was at work at the Cozy Cone Motel and Lightning was inside of the Wheel Well with Jane on his hood. He rocked his body side to side which was rocking Jane. She was smiling and cooing. “Who’s beautiful?”, asked Lightning. “You are!” Jane giggled and bounced. Lightning smiled.
“Chick Hicks arrived for today’s race for the qualification of the Piston Cup!”, said a static filled female radio voice. It was Kori Turbowitz, the announcer for Racing Sports Network. Chick’s voice came into the sound waves, “Yes! So sad that Lightning couldn’t be here. You know, taking care of his daughter and all.” Lightning rolled his eyes. “What a moron…”, said Lightning.
“Chick?”, asked Kori. “I understand that you are expecting a little someone soon?”
Lightning eyes widened. “What!?”, thought Lightning.
“Me? Expecting? No! My girlfriend is though.”, said Chick.
Kori did one of those fake talk show host laughs.
“Yes, yes. I know. I’m funny.”
Lightning rolled his eyes again. Jane saw this and she tried repeating it. She looked up then down really fast. Lightning smiled. “Cutie.”, he said. Chick continued talking about his racing techniques. One line that he said stuck to Lightning. “Well, I guess that my greatest technique would be Lightning not racing this year. Think about it, The King, retired; Lightning, a baby; Me, being behind Lightning and The King and they’re gone? I’m winning this bad boy!”
Lightning shut his eyes tight and clenched his teeth. “I NEED to race. I HAVE to.”, thought Lightning. Then he opened his eyes and stared at Jane. She was repeating Lightning. Her eyes were shut tight and her gums were clenched as if she had teeth. “If I race, I will be equal to all of those race car parents. My parents. I can’t take it.” Lightning smiled. “Well, a few laps at Willy’s Butte won’t hurt, right Jane?”, he asked. Jane didn’t answer. She was just smiling without a care in the world. “I’ll take that as a yes.”, said Lightning. Lightning put Jane in a steel box that was the perfect size for a baby car. It had a soft blanket on the bottom and the top wasn’t closed so the baby could breathe and see outside at all times. There was a chain attached to the box with a hook on the other end, and Lightning hooked that hook on his bumper. “Come on, Jane”, said Lightning. He drove with her down to Willy’s Butte.
When they arrived, Lightning unhooked the baby carriage and left on the side of the road. “This stuff is really fun, Jane!”, said Lightning. “You can watch if you want.” Jane looked closely at Lightning. He drove back on the road and placed his tire in the dirt. He dragged his tire across the street and made a line in the dirt. Jane continued to observe. Lightning drove behind the line and stared at the road. He started his engine.
Jane’s eyes widened and she smiled really wide.
Lightning slammed his gas petal and his back tires rolled for a few seconds before having his body fling forward. He bolted down the road. Sand flew into the air. Jane started bouncing. She watched her father speed in the dirt round and round. Lightning came up to the turn that was hard to do. He turned right really hard and his body swung around and made him go left. Jane gasped with a smile. Lightning came around again and again. He raced faster and faster.

Hours passed.

Lightning came around the last corner and was so out of breath. He was breathing hard. “How…was…that? Jane?”, gasped Lightning. Jane giggled and bounced hard. Lightning smiled. “Come on now…time to take you home.” Lightning hooked the box on his bumper and started to drive back to the Wheel Well Motel.
When the returned, Lightning drove Jane to her room and put her in her crib. “I’m going to go take a car wash, Jane. I’ll be out quick, okay?” Jane smiled. Lightning drove to the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Jane listened to the noises around her. She heard the water flowing and crashing against Lightning’s body. She heard this same noise coming from outside of her window. Jane looked to her left. The window had water droplets on it and the sky was dark. There was a loud bang that shook the floor. Jane started to shiver. A bright flash filled the room and disappeared in a second. The rain drops pelted the window harder. Jane screamed. Sally was just driving in from work. She was soaking wet. Sally turned her windshield wipers off. When they were off, she was able to hear Jane screaming. Sally gasped and sped to the baby’s room. “JANE?”, Sally called out. When Jane saw her mother she put her front tires up. Sally drove over to Jane and tilted her hood so she can roll Jane on it. “Hi sweetie, what’s wrong?”, she asked. Jane was tearing up and was shivering.
Jane squealed and closed her eyes tight. She huddled her tires under her body. “Awww, baby it’s okay.”, said Sally. “Shh…” Jane calmed down. Lightning rolled inside the baby’s room. “Sally!”, Lightning called out. “Lightning!”, Sally replied. Lightning giggled. “There’s a storm outside.” said Lightning. “You know what that means?” Sally blushed.
“Yes, I know.”
Sally winked.
Jane tried to wink but she kept blinking both eyes.
Lightning drove to Sally and kissed her. He held his lips on Sally’s for a few seconds and slowly opened his mouth. Sally pulled away. “Lightning! Jane is on my hood!”
“She doesn’t know!”
Jane started making kissy noises. She giggled. Sally gave Lightning a look. “You see? Now when Mater sees Jane doing that he’s going to make fun of us!”
Lightning chuckled. He noticed Jane doing something weird. “Sally? What is Jane doing?”, he asked. Sally stared at Jane. She had her eyes closed and was swaying. She had a little grin on her face. She opened her eyes and put on a “game face”, though she was smiling. She continued to sway but then she did something even stranger. She turned her tires to the right but leaned to the left. “I think she’s dancing!”, said Lightning. “You’re such a good dancer!”, Sally said. Jane pointed to her father. Lightning saw this. “Me?”, he asked. Sally tilted her hood so Jane went on Lightning’s hood. “What, Jane?”, he asked. She pointed to Lightning again. After, she started to sway and turn her tires the opposite ways again. Lightning was so confused. He tilted his head. “I don’t get it.”, he said.
“Hm… maybe we should take all of this racing stuff down and put flowers around her. You know, make it look like a little girl’s room.”, said Sally, ignoring what Lightning said. Lightning thought about Sally’s suggestion, then his eyes widened. “Wait…Sally.”, he started. “I know what Jane is doing! Jane…she’s r-racing!”
“Yeah! Look! LOOK!”
Sally observed Jane. She was still swaying and turning her tires in the opposite direction of her leaning. "LOOK! See! She’s doing the ‘right-to-go-left’ thing! Look! SALLY! Look! LOOK!!-
Sally sighed. “Where did she learn this from?”, she asked.
“Hm…well, I did let her watch me race today.”
Jane was still swaying.
Suddenly, a clicking noise was heard. It was coming from Jane. Every time the clicking noise was heard, Jane kind of jerked.
“What’s happening?”, asked Lightning. Sally smiled. “Lightning! Wait a minute! Put her on the ground!”, said Sally. Lightning tilted his hood and let Jane roll off of it. The clicking became more and more frequent. “I’m going to get Doc!”, yelled Lightning. “No!”, yelled Sally. “Look!” Lightning stared at Jane. Sally watched with joy. The clicking noise was getting louder and her jerks were getting harder. Jane’s eyes got wide. The clicking noise became louder. She smiled wide. The clicking noise finally got really loud until…








Jane’s ignition started. “VavavavavavavavaVavavavavavavavaVa”, said her engine.
“She started up!”, yelled Lightning. “MY BABY TURNED ON HER ENGINE!!!” Sally smiled with tears in her eyes.
Lightning sped outside. The rain pelted him. He went to the edge of the view outside of the Wheel Well Motel and screamed at the top of his being, “MY DAUGHTER STARTED HER ENGINE!!!”
Sally laughed when she heard her fiance yelling outside.
A big read tow truck was passing by Lightning. It was Bubba. “HEY! HEY BUBBA!!”, called Lightning. Bubba turned around and gave Lightning a puzzled look. “What do you want? Another punch?”, he asked.
“YEAH! You! Guess what!”
“What?”, asked Bubba
Lightning sped up to him and put his front tires on the Bubba’s hood.
Bubba backed up to get Lightning’s tires off of him and pushed Lightning back really hard. “I don’t care about YOU or your DAUGHTER!”, he yelled. "I’m just trying to get HOME. It’s RAINING. He sped away from Lightning as fast as he could but back in the direction where he was coming from. “If he was just leaving Radiator Springs to go home…why is he going back?”, thought Lightning.
But, you know, Lightning just stayed there parked with a smile on his face. “My baby turned on her engine.”, he whispered to himself.
That day, he didn’t mind the rain. He actually started to love it.
“THAT’S HIM!”, yelled a male car’s voice. It sounded like Bubba. Lightning turned around and saw Sheriff next to Bubba. “Ugh…Lightnin’.”, said Sheriff. “Sorry that I gotta do this to ya again…” Bubba just stood there parked with a glare on his face. The glare was staring at Lightning. “Do what?”, asked Lightning.
“You’re under arrest…”
“W-What!? No! NO!”
“Want me 'ta take him? Mater is down in Radiator Springs and…oh so busy. I’ll take him for ya!”, said Bubba. “After all, he did assault me.”
“WHAT!?”, yelled Lightning. “SALLY! SALLY!!!”
Sally was already in the kitchen making Dinner. She couldn’t hear him. Jane heard Lightning though. The window was next to her crib she looked to her left. She gasped, wide eyed.
Bubba hooked Lightning hard.
“OWW!!! SALLY!!!”
“Come on, Lightning.”, Bubba snarled. He laughed evilly.
Bubba started to drive away with Lightning on his hook. Lightning was grabbing at the ground with made dark skid marks. Sheriff frowned. “Sorry, Lightning.”, said Sheriff. “I have to.”
"NO!!! NOOOOO!!!

Yet again, I LOVE it! I hadn’t thought about the fact that a baby learning to walk would translate into a car learning to drive. Very well thought up! The end was a little sad, but it leaves you hanging in suspense. Can’t wait for the next chapter! ;-o :wink: