Wall-E: The Fan Game ~ DEMO 2 OUT NOW!

I’ve thought about it and I think I’ll have 15 mins to spare to beta test your game. After all, I did grow up in the era of side-scrollers and one of my favourite games is Super Mario Bros.. :wink: I’ve sent you a PM enquiring about signing up. Hopefully there’s room for one more tester.

Oooh, A113! That’s very thoughtful of you to sneak it in there.

There’s always room…Your in :wink:
I sent you a PM with the demo(s) for you to test, what I need you to do is also in them.

Alright, finally. Beta testing is underway!
Only slight changes left to make and the demo could be out by next weekend. :slight_smile:



Heheh, you guys are gonna laugh…

The beta testers have reported. I have listened. I have fixed. I have added.

And the demo is ready. : D

I just need to get the website up-to-date and the demo can be released.

Party time :sunglasses:

That’s great, and really fast to have the demo released. I’m looking forward to playing the demo, and encourage others to do so as well. It’s a very cute, creative and fun game (and better than the 3D THQ version, if you ask me.) :slight_smile:

Yeah, so I’m one of the beta testers on this project. It’s pretty useful that i know Mygames19 in real life. I created a stage but its like the first stage I have ever created in my life, I noticed that my stage doesn’t really allow for backtracking very much. Right now at the moment, I think this game is great.

I agree, Cheez764, having played the game I have to say it’s really, really good fun! I definitely think that when the demo comes out, everyone should give it a try and have a laugh roaming about with WALL-E. :smiley:

I’d liek to be a beta tester. What language are you writing the game in?

Anyways, I’d liek to be a beta tester because I have beta tested many-a-program (in fact I’m writing this from a alpha program (opera 10) in a beta OS(windows 7 build 7000)). I feel that i would be right for the job because i know al lot about computers and can check anything you ask me to. I can also attempt to fix some of the problems i encounter.

Thanks for listening :stuck_out_tongue: Also, WALL-E testing a WALL-E game!

rachelcakes1985: Thanks. :slight_smile:
(Rachelcakes1985 is one of the Beta testers, so she’s played the game. :wink: )

Cheez764: Glad your liking where I’m taking the project.
(BTW, Cheez764’s stage will be a reward to a contest. You’ll see soon… : D)

lizardgirl: Thanks. Again. XD
(lizardgirl is another one of my Beta Testers…)

WALL·E: Actually, that might be a good idea (Seeing as how you run on Windows 7, a platform I need to have it tested on.). Your in, but you’ll have to wait until I can send out the next betas, otherwise you get the public demo early XD

And that means the search for Beta Testers is over. Thank you all!

Everything is ready. The demo, the website, etc… except for the Vista edition. I should be able to get Programmer to compile the Vista edition this weekend, so schedule the first public demo - this weekend! (Probably Saturday)

One last thing:


^ Gameplay of the entire demo in video form. ^


OK, so I’m a tester, but for the vista/7 version :stuck_out_tongue:?

Ya, pritty much. But you already lost out on the beta, because it’s already been tested and fixed. You’ll be getting the public release with everybody else, atleast until I need my beta testers again. :slight_smile:

I can’t wait for the first public demo. Perhaps you could include some enemies (like in Sonic) for WALL-E to avoid or kill. He could kill them with his laser. :smiley: Coupla questions:

I assume this game is non-profit? (You won’t be making money from it?)

Will this be available for Mac? (I don’t use a Mac, but a lot of Pixar fans do).

Enemies are hard to do within the first act. I mean, Wall-E is alone. There’s nothing to hurt him besides obstacles! Well, that… and the one enemy I will include… More on that in the next demo… : D

Nope, I’m making nothing on this project. It’s pure dedication (It takes that kind of thing to do something as time consuming as this project.)

I understand many Pixar fans are Mac users, which really sucks. I can’t release a Mac demo until Game Maker 8.0 comes out, because it will be the only version of Game Maker with Mac support. And it doesn’t come out until this summer. Sorry Mac users. :frowning:

There is an alternative. You can run a Virtual Machine on your Mac (if you know how to. It’s basically running Windows on a Mac.) And play it though that.

So i’m a beta tester for other projects? :stuck_out_tongue:

No, you’ll Beta test the same project, But right now I don’t need my beta testers, because right now we are just waiting until the weekend to release the demo (that, and a friend of mine, Programmer, needs to port it to Vista.) :sunglasses:


You can download them here:

wall-ethefangame.sitesled.com/My … Page5.html

Make sure you download the version corresponding to your operating system!

Website updated!

wall-ethefangame.sitesled.com/My … Page1.html

Have fun!

Hey Mygames,

Played around with the demo for a bit and found that it’s a really close-knit game - liked the obstacles and the concept of “charge”. I noticed a reference to Super Mario with Wall-E jumping before losing a life.

Time for some pointers:

  1. I’m stuck at one point and it’s not clear-cut on how to continue. I understand if you’re trying to add a challenging aspect to it but I tend to boo-hoo any difficulties with the first levels because they are the levels you try to grip the functionalities and it usually gives a caveat of the ongoing map of the game.

Screenshot: img11.imageshack.us/img11/3506/47841670.jpg

  1. There are no pointers to the controls of the game. Naturally the directional buttons on the keypad control the character, and space is jump, but what does down do? Is there any special controls I missed? Is there a key element that I’ve missed, hence unable to continue? You need to add a controls guide in your main menu. Customization of controls (remapping of buttons) gets an extra plus.

  2. FPS - is that necessary? (Maybe for demo testing purposes?) A bit unclear on that function.

  3. My score is 0! I passed by this blue thing - is that meant to be a token? I wasn’t able to pick this up. It’s a bit vague… maybe a tutorial or an explanation (maybe with the controls)?

  4. You might want to bundle up the game with an installer. Try jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php

But for a continuing production, it’s a great demo and I plan to keep an eye on this one. Well done.

  1. It’s basicly one large loop, you can’t complete the stage. That, And The stage is just to show off the engine.

Screenshot: Uh-oh. Is that the right version?
goes to check

This is going to answer some of the things you said, but please note the version I hosted was an earlier version and I suggest you go re-download to try the actual public demo (Which has been rehosted, I apologize for the inconvenience…)

  1. But there IS a readme that pops up before starting the game!.. In the right version. Facepalms

  2. FPS is the frame rate per second. I need that number from people who play the game so I can get a quarry about what people’s speeds are.

  3. Again, the blue orb is the “Health Orb”, it’s explained in the instructions which you seem to not be getting.

  4. I might do an install, but every time I release as only an EXE someone says you need to release as an install. Than when I release as an install they say it should be a EXE. So I guess I’ll supply both… if I can.

  5. At least you’ll keep an eye on this project even though I gave you the wrong version. XD

Oh, right. Whoopsies. Don’t you hate mishaps when pushing out productions?

Uh, about FPS - I did know what it meant, I was just simply arguing the need for it to the end-user, but now I know it’s for reference use :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll redownload later on. I’ll critique again. After.

Well I’m impressed, it plays smoothly, the sounds fit and the music is spot on (especially the ‘invincible’ theme.) It’s good fun just rolling around with Wall•e.

My only critique is that occasinally Wall•e will be suspended at a diagonal angle off of vertical edges, but that’s all I can find fault with.

Phileas: Yes please. I apologize again, it seems to happen every time I try juggling multiple versions. XD

Halos Nach Tariff: Glad you like what I got so far :slight_smile:
Yes, the ledge angle bug has plegged this engine, it’s because of Wall-E’s treads size, and the way the engine is programmed. Fixing the bug would require a re-write of most of the code and variables. Not my cup of tea, and it’s really not that big of a deal anyhow. XD

Work on the next public demo starts April 26th (Tomorrow)
During it’s development I’ll be asking the community what they want to see, so be ready to answer some community driven questions. :wink:

Here’s the first one: What do you expect to get from the first stage of this fangame? (A tutorial, or a full stage? How long should it be? Should the gameplay be centered around obstacles, enemy’s, both? These are just some things you might like to add to your answer.)

Hope you all enjoy the demo so far.