Up Soundtrack

Hello boys and girls, thought I’d bring you guys some good news, since the bad news have been making us all sad. I found one of the tracks to the soundtrack on youtube! :smiley:

It is a breathtaking song and I was so excited and was almost jumping up (haha hint hint) and down when I found it. It is the track Carl Goes Up and it is a very musical track with a funny and wonderful beginning, and a beautiful end.

Enjoy it. [url]- YouTube

I finally managed to find the album on iTunes, after searching ‘Michael Giacchino’. It wasn’t even on the front page of the store…Sadly, it’s considered a ‘Partial Album’, ad therefore, you can’t buy the whole thing at once. That means you have to pay $.99 per score, equaling about $23. All I can say is…WHY?!!

I don’t think you’re doing something quite right. I bought the Up soundtrack mp3 digital download this morning and there is a button to click to buy the entire album at once. All 26 tracks were downloaded at a total cost of $8.99.

I’m talking about iTunes, not Amazon.

Wow…this iTunes partial album thing is frustrating me! I might just go buy it on Amazon MP3 instead.

Here’s a link to the iTunes album (if you have iTunes installed) itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSt … 5&s=143441

I’d buy it…But I don’t have Paypal, a debit card, or anything like that. Only iTunes credit. GAH. :imp:

UP is a partial album on iTunes?


This is terrible that it is a partial album on iTunes. I have addressed these questions to Disney and hopefully I receive a response soon.

So, I just bought the soundtrack off of Amazon, and that was one heck of a process that I had to go through. Took nearly an hour to get things started.

But what an amazing soundtrack it is. :smiley: I am disappointed that there’s no physical CD

wow…a partial album, that is cheap. Glad you let em hear from ya bawpcwpn…hopefully that will get changed.

I don’t use either iTunes or Amazon.com… so another reason why they should have released the soundtrack on a CD. :neutral_face:

From the official press release:

Well, Michael’s Star Trek is currently the #2 best-selling movie soundtrack CD on Amazon:
amazon.com/Star-Trek-Michael … B001Z920NA
And even the Land of the Lost soundtrack will be out on CD soon enough:
michaelgiacchinomusic.com/di … helost.htm

But Up isn’t worthy of a CD release?

There will be people who will buy it digitally (and it’s a great score worthy of buying), but there will be countless others not buying it who (a) might if they physically saw it in front of them in a store, (b) could easily find it with google (almost impossible unless you know the composer’s name, which most casual movie-goers don’t), (c) don’t want (or aren’t allowed) to put iTunes and Amazon’s downloading software on their computer (required if you want to purchase the album as a whole – otherwise it’s $26 to buy the tracks separately), and (d) want a physical CD to put in a collection, with booklet, artwork, and something to hold and keep forever.

There are of course other movies I’ve worked on that never had a score CD released for them, but I can’t think of a single reason for something as popular as a Pixar film not to have a physical CD issued for it. It makes no business sense – it’s throwing away money. If they want to promote digital downloads, they could offer iTunes customers exclusives not included with a physical CD (as they’re doing with the bonus video), but I can’t think of one reason why they would want to curtail sales by not releasing a CD.

I suppose they could always include a CD in perhaps some “Special Edition DVD” release… but I’m not holding my breath.

I hereby volunteer myself to receive all the money that Disney is throwing away by not issuing a physical CD of their latest Pixar film. (If I owned Disney stock, I’d take a long look at this and wonder who is making decisions such as this)…

Up is now on iTunes as a full album (DRM-free) for $9.99. It also includes the sound effects tracks, a 7-minute making-of video, and a digital booklet!

EDIT: After watching the 7-minutes making-of video, I was pleased to learn about the decision to make the score for Up very simple yet elegant, but also very surprised to see so many major spoilers in the clip. Do not watch it until you’ve seen the film.

Now that’s a nice get-rich-quick scheme… :mrgreen:

While it’s good that they stopped this “partial album” nonsense, I won’t buy this in any kind of lossy format. Period.

Yeah, I’m one of those people who might possibly have bought the soundtrack if it was being sold in a physical CD form, but now almost definitely won’t, because I don’t ever download music from iTunes. I mean, I didn’t plan on buying the WALL-E soundtrack, but then I spotted it in a shop and thought that I might as well buy it. That isn’t gonna happen for Up, as miafka said, and this is very disappointing.

Thanks for the information, TheIncredible. That’s cool that they’ve included a making-of video and a digital booklet. I looked on iTunes and couldn’t find the Up soundtrack myself (I wanted to compare prices to see how much we’re being ripped off over here) but I’m assuming that because I’m in a different country it hasn’t been released yet here. Is the stuff released on iTunes country specific?

GOOD! I’ll be purchasing later in the day. :smiley: Glad to see I didn’t have to wait forever. :stuck_out_tongue:

argh i want the soundtrack but im in uk this is stupid!!!

The soundtrack, no doubt, will make its way to other countries as the movie is released. What is stupid is that I could probably go on Amazon.com and buy a physical CD and it would be shipped to me here in Australia. However, I can’t go onto the Amazon MP3 downloads or iTunes Store and purchase a CD or even a track because of licensing restrictions.

Damn and heck to the RIAA and MPAA!

I want it… I need it… :neutral_face: