TSS's Fan-Made Videos

Well, I didn’t show them this. i just made a huge photo collage of TI, but I got a strong A. Thanks BDD.

Oh, I thought you meant you showed them what you did so far on the video, and made up for it with the photo collage, since it wasn’t completed on time. My bad.
But I’m glad you got an A in that class.

This video, I believe, is my best work. It is a tribute music video to the movie “The Incredibles”, set to the song “The incredits”, by Michael Giacchino. For this music video, I try to portray two things: my love and obsession for this movie and how incredible The Incredibles really is. I focus on the characters and their powers, sync the music with the clips from the movie, and try to put in most of my favorite parts. I am really proud of this music video. It took me a total of 30 days and 100 clips to make this music video. My goal is to not only show my love for the Incredibles, but to make the best “Incredibles” video on the net. I hope I did just that. Enjoy everyone.

And now, I now proudly present to you my best, most viewed, highest rated, commented music video. . .

The Incredibles

I know why you are really proud of it- it’s awesome!-or should I say, incredible? :wink: A tad longer than videos I’m used to watching, but you did an excellent job reminding all viewers how great the movie is. The video pretty much sums up the film. It almost looks like it should be included as an official part of TI’s DVD. :smiley:

Awesome work, TSS! I’ve been in love with putting movies to just instrumentals lately (or just syncing up in-between lyrics to instrumentals), and yours matched perfectly. And I’m not just saying that. :wink:

BDD & FONY: Awwww, thanks you guys. I am glad you enjoyed it. :smiley:

You’re welcome. :smiley: It really is tough to sync instrumentals correctly - with lyrics it’s easier to find a relevant scene to what they’re saying, but instrumentals, you don’t have lyrics as a back bone and … well, it’s tough. You did well. :smiley:

Thanks FONY, but doing an MV to the Incredits was certainly not the easiest thing to do. I just think to myself, “Which clip would I want to see between “this” part and “that” part?” Also, I think of “which clips would fit?”. It isn’t easy, but once you pull it off, you get this elating feeling like a “mission accomplished men” kinda feeling.

Oh yes, planning on doing it sounds easy - the actual method of putting it together proves to be much much harder.

I love that feeling, especially since a lot of mine have just gone halfway and stopped because of one reason or another. Lack of interest or whatever. It really is a shame, because so far, some of them have turned out pretty well, even in my own opinion (I’m usually think ‘it’s garbage’ :stuck_out_tongue:)

What can I say, TSS? You’ve raised the bar with ‘Love Me When You’re Gone’ and now smashed it to pieces! Allow me to elaborate.

Comments…I like the song… I never actually sat through the entire Incredits, so this is the first time I’m hearing it in its entirety. Very nice swing/jazz number, I especially love the French Horns, the violins and the drums. Gotta add that to my playlist…

Editing as usual is fab. I liked how you did intros (especially with the civilian, then superhero identities for each Super) for the characters. One minor qualm I have is why Syndrome didn’t get one, seeing he’s the main antagonist and the reason for the entire movie. That’s just a quibble though, because the rest of it is great! Love how you synched the ‘action bits’ with the faster portions of the song, and the more quiet scenes when the tempo winds down mid-song. Of course, the synchronisation of the clips to the beats is on the dime, and you managed to pull off not repeating clips for such a long duration, quite a feat!

My favourite parts are 1:43-1:46 (Laugh out loud), 2:57-3:05 (fast timing), 4:05-4:40 (I just like the rhythmn), 5:25-5:33 (nice clip to match to the violin strings), 6:00-6:02 (brilliant cut from the 100-yard to 100-mile dash), 7:00-7:04 (the 2 second pause is like the freeze-frame ending of classic superhero cartoons), and 7:15-7:21 (poignant ‘afterthought’).

I wouldn’t exactly call it an official music video (that would usually include some famous pop star, have lyrics, and be relatively short, like Cars’ ‘Life is a Highway’, or even my ‘We Will Get There’ Ratatouille tribute). But this is more in the vein of a promotional demo that should be shown at Comic-Con or played during those long ad breaks on the Disney channel, because it sums up the entire movie perfectly and is of reasonable length. And like BDD said, this should be like an extra on the DVD or something. Most epic Incredibles MV I’ve ever seen. Instant fave on my channel for me.


Well, thanks for adding it to your favorites dude.

I am glad you liked my video. Your comments are always a treat to read. I know that Syndrome didn’t get his own little segment, but I thought that the Omnidroid attacking Metroville and him capturing Jack-Jack would be good enough.

I found not repeating clips a little bit on the easy side. I mean, the song is about seven and a half minutes long, and the movie is just over 2 hours. I don’t believe in repeat clips unless someone finds some really strong way for it to work. (eg: Souja Boy TI video).

Once again, thanks for the reivew. I look forward to reading more reviews from you in the near future.

After my big movie project with “The Incredibles”, I knew it would be very difficult to follow it up with something just as good. This next MV is titled “World’s Greatest”, because I believe the Incredibles are the world’s greatest Super Heroes. I tried to take the lyrics literaly as well as give each member of the family their moment. I hope you enjoy everyone.

The Incredibles: World’s Greatest

This music video was my final project for my Junior year english class. I was supposed to use music or a movie to show what I see Americans as. For this example, I see Americans as dreamers and that people should have the courage and heart to follow and achieve their goals.

I used my most favorite song in the world called “It Doesn’t Matter”, sung by Tony Harnell. I got a solid A on my project, and now, I share it with you.

I dare each of you to follow your dreams. Don’t hold back, and keep movie forward.

The Incredibles: American Identity

Just because I am not recieving any feedback, that doesn’t mean I am going to stop posting my videos. I post them all for your viewing pleasure.

Today, is a video on Bob and Helen Parr. I know thedriveintheatre has seen this MV before, but I think it is right that I post up the video for you all.

Anyways, this video focuses on the relationship between Bob and Helen. It is a tribute video. This is one of the first videos where I decided to use dramatic effects (audios, fades, and breaks) to emphasize it a bit. I hope you all enjoy watching it as I had a fun time making it.

Bob & Helen Parr Music Video

The Bob + Helen one was good, Liked the bits where you included the dialogue from the brginning of the film, but I felt the electorcution bit got slightly repetitive.

The amican one, I felt the dialogue bit went a but too much over the vocals

I will add soem more review when I’ve watched them.

WALL-E: Thanks for your review/constructive criticism. I can’t wait for more of them.

Got some of them homeworks now though.

What do you mean by that? :confused:

homework to do.

Very well. You do your homework. I’ll wait for your comments.