Toy Story 3 Critical Reviews

I haven’t read Ebert’s review (haven’t read ANY reviews, because I’m trying to avoid any more spoilers), but even if he’s lukewarm on it, I don’t think he’s a jerk, or stupid, or evil, or whatever. He’s entitled to his opinion (and he really REALLY hates 3-D, although I don’t know how that factors into his review).

IMO, the reason Ebert matters, though, is because he is one of the last of the “household names” among film critics. If you’re not already a Pixar fan, not already inclined to like animation, not sure whether or not this movie is worth your box office $, a lukewarm review from well-known film critic Roger Ebert might be enough to make you think, “Eh, I’ll wait for Netflix.”

I agree. Though more and more over the years, I think he’s lost perspective. He’s really set in his ways, and this is really evident with his views on 3D.

But he still gave it a fresh review, so its all good.

I’m dreading Armond White’s review, though. If he doesn’t give it a rotten review, Hell has frozen over. I can just picture him waiting in a room, letting the anticipation build, then go down in history as the one guy to ruin the only 100% trilogy on RT. He might wait a week, even a month, but if anyone’s going to give it a rotten review, it’ll be him.

I had never even heard of Armond White until he gave Up a “rotten” review last year. Reading the RT posters’ comments, I quickly learned that he was notorious for trashing practically anything that most critics loved. This year, I’ve had fun reading the RT’ers comments in the TS3 section, speculating on when Armond’s review will turn up - how he probably wrote his “rotten” review of TS3 a year ago, and is just waiting for the right moment to destroy the 100% fresh rating. :unamused:

Yeah, I have a really bad feeling about Armond’s review (why does Rotten Tomatoes still count his reviews?), but if he is the only one to give it a ‘rotten’ review, then in my mind at least it’ll still be 100%.

Here’s hoping that by some miracle the guy will give it the review it actually deserves!

Even Ebert has joined in the wait:


But, yeah, I have no problem with opinions contrary to my own (or contrary to the majority, for that matter), but it really appears to me that Armond White does it for the attention. He called I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry a “modern classic” (yes, he used those words). He said that history will remember the Wayan’s brothers’ Little Man as a superior age/masculinity farce to Benjamin Button. He called Dance Flick more invigorating than Chicago. In his review for Up last year, he cited Chicken Little and Teacher’s Pet as superior animated films.

When I say I respect other people’s opinions, I really try my best to do so. It’s just that I have a really hard time understanding how someone could say these things and truly mean them.

Ahaha… nice one, Ebert! Thanks for the link, UniversalPolymath.

I don’t agree with Ebert all the time (he sometimes loses his objectivity and tends to mock bad movies for the fun of it, he is to movies what Jeremy Clarkson or Gordon Ramsey is to cars and cooking), and he reminds me of Anton Ego from his snootiness… but the man does make some valid arguments every now and then.

At least he was kind to TS3! :slight_smile:

Woke up this morning expecting at least one rotten review, but nope! And not only has the Tomatometer remained at 100%, the average rating has gone up! 8.8/10 is really pretty fantastic. If they’re able to hold onto that average, it will be the single highest rated Pixar film since the original Toy Story!

109 reviews and counting. :smiley:

114 now, 100%, average 8.8.

Maybe Armond White needs to spend some time [spoil]in the box[/spoil]. :smiley:

Well, guys, it’s officially at 99% now. :frowning:

Cole Smithey’s negative review is barely relevant, with his only gripes being about how it shouldn’t be G-rated, and how he didn’t enjoy the 3D (they should probably take this down).
Mr. White, on the other hand… where do I start with this lying dirtbag? I guess he just loves to be hated.
First of all, if you’re going to make a review, make it intelligable. I couldn’t understand half of the stuff he was rambling on about, and I doubt he did, either. Couldn’t even get Lotso’s name right, either.
[spoil]I think this guy is Lotso in disguise…[/spoil]

Oh, my gosh, maybe it’s just because I’m old, but I am laughing so hard right now. Just read Armond’s review, and it was everything we expected! Did he really say Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was better than this? Does he really think Hamm is one of the “veteran daycare center” toys? I just cannot take this guy seriously! Honestly, it’s worth the 99% fresh rating just for the pleasure of a good laugh. Whew!

Yeah, White’s just inherently tasteless. Disregard him.

Well, this is odd in good way. When I go onto Rotten Tomatoes, the Toy Story 3 page still lists it as 100% fresh with 137 reviews - 135 fresh and 2 rotten.

There’s always a bit of lag, it’ll catch up.

After reading that review, I wonder if Armond even watch the same TS3 as us. “Lotsa Hugs”? I love the comments. One guy said he joined just to be angry about that review. Oh, BTW, if you haven’t already, sign this petition to ban him from RT:

Who cares about Rotten Tomatoes? It, in my opinion, means absolutely nothing. The only person’s opinions that should matter is your own. :slight_smile: I know having the Toy Story trilogy as all 100% is nice, but, hey, anything over 90-95% is brilliant, anyway. :smiley:

I signed it, and posted it to my Facebook page, so it should get some attention. :slight_smile:

You’re right, of course, but many, many people don’t think that way. They need to have validation from other sources before they go see a movie, and RT is one of the most popular sources out there right now.

I hope RT takes notice. I think we can all be without this guy’s “valuable input”.