Things Kageri Draws When Tired (Ratatouille yay!)

kageri - You’re welcome! Spontaneous styles rock. :wink:

Haha! I do that in restaurants all the time – I’ll leave a little doodle saying “Thanks for the service!” or something along those lines. (snigger)

– Mitch

You are so totally welcome kageri! I can’t wait to see what is next for ya. Speaking of which, what is it anyways?

Well, I’m glad we made you feel good about your work, kageri. In fact, when I first saw your avatar (which is made from your artwork), I thought it was a screencap from Your Friend the Rat - that’s how good it is!

So, put that in your pipe and smoke it. :wink:

Heheh - it suuuuure does.

Oh, that is very nice. Well done, love the coloring. :wink:

Ha! Make that two of us. I thought that it was a screencap from the short in question as well, until I realized that it was your work, kageri. (snigger)

– Mitch

Decidedly not-festive doodlebugs!


Ha-ha. I love Linguini with braces. You’ve given him just the right proportions and the freckles on his ears are a cute touch.

Braces! I can’t imagine him not having had something along those lines as a kid.

Wow. I’m getting an atomic wedgie just looking at that.

I love it!
Linguini looks adorable. You did a great job at portraying his kid self. You’re so right; he must have had braces – or even geekier – headgear as a kid. But his mom probably couldn’t afford it.
Remy looks very contemplative. He’s thinking hard… ooooohhhh…
And I came up with a bunch of things Colette could be saying in that sketch. They are as follows:
-Eat your heart out…
-Kiss my a**.
-Bite me.
-In your dreams.
Ashley also came up with the idea that she could be retorting something like
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Sheila and Ashley

kageri: Wow, it looks really, really wonderful. I think you did an over-the-top job with Linguini. I’m impressed!

kageri - I can totally imagine Linguini adorning braces as a kid; Remy’s pose is me all over (even though I hardly ever step into that position); and Colette looks like Akima from Titan A.E. (of course, she kinda always did anyway, but not the point…). Great job, as always! :slight_smile:

– Mitch