The initials game

I typed in my real initials on Google and I got a bunch of German websites. 8D

lol. :laughing: I did mine to and got a bunch of Middle schools. The middle school I wesnt to had my initials.

TSS = Toxic Shock Syndrome.

LBH: Late for Being Honest.

I coppied your idea and got a university for scientific reasearch and some place in hollywood. 8D

when i typed my initials, I got:

A tennis apparel company.

A certain Protein called Protein LBH.

LBH Gene (related to Protein LBH).

A chemical and industrial supply corporation.

A Photography site.

Interesting how your initials can mean something else other than your full name.

My username’s initials doesn’t really mean anything (SMq? :confused: ) but my real initials is PAW, like an animal paw. :smiley:

Very interesting SallyMcQueen.

I got some auto clubs, travel agencies, and insurance companies.

My initials backwards would be MJ which would be Michael Jordan.

Or Michael Jackson…

Mine is SD, so and SD card or South Dakota