Star Trek

Glad to see others here enjoyed it, too.

Well, I wanted to see this because of Michael Giacchino scoring the film, plus I really liked the first season of Heroes so the fact that one of my favourite actors from the show, Zachary “Sybrows” Quinto, got the part of Spock. He did a great job at giving a restrained un-emotional performance, and it’s good for someone like me who isn’t that familar with the series, to get a background of all the characters. The film was a little bit cheesy in that you know that most of them (the main characters) will turn out ok just in the nick of time (like in the series), but it was still harmless fun. I wasn’t expecting [spoil]time travel[/spoil] so that made things interesting (confusing).

The score didn’t blow me away as a whole, but I’m still yet to listen to the soundtrack from beginning to end. I’m a big fan of re-arranged TV themes for films, and my favourite tracks have got to be the end credits, “To Boldly Go”, and “Enterprising Young Men”. Sounds like it would have been fun to play or sit in on the recording sessions.

Really great sound design. I take note of sound design, especially that constant beeping noise played all throughout on-board the Enterprise, then they played it again at the end of the credits, but it was kinda cool and reassuring. I also liked the police siren when the android-cop was pursuing a young Kirk. It wasn’t so much played in that scene in the movies, but if you watch the trailer it features prominently.

My favourite lines:

[spoil]Kirk: "So what type of combat training to you have?:
Sulu: “… Fencing.” 8D

Sarek: [to Spock] “You once asked me, why I married your mother. I married her because I loved her.” <3

and when Chekov couldn’t pronounce “V” so the computer didn’t pick up his command. :slight_smile:[/spoil]

And girls, I’m telling you, Zachary Quinto (Spock), John Cho (Sulu), and Anton Yelchin (Chekov) - hotties galo-ore! :wink:

So set your phasers to “fun” and go see this movie. It’s gotten really good reviews (95% on Rotten Tomatoes) and it’s a movie, because it’s a prequel, that’s very accessible and surprisingly funny. All of the characters personalities balanced each other out. I give Star Trek four Vulcan salutes out of five. Looking forward to the sequel. Hopefully everyone will get back “on board” for the second one.

I was reading its IMDb page and the fake working titles for Star Trek were:

  • Christa & Christan’s Big Adventure
  • Corporate Headquarters
  • The Ernest Castelhun Chronicles
  • Wet Paint


^ About the score for the film - the end credit music was just beautiful.
Now I was never much of a fan of the series, but I certainly remember the theme song, and it just felt absolutely nostalgic and retro. For me, space and retro go wonderfully together.

Oh I agree the score was wonderful. At the moment I’d be up for a sequel to this too, but I’m cautious because this was so good, how could a sequel possibly live up to that?

I’ve got quite a few fav lines from this movie as well, it had a lot more humor than I was expecting.

[spoil]Spock: I would cite regulation but I know you would simply ignore it.
Kirk: See? We are getting to know each other

Kirk (to Spock): I dont think you like the fact that I beat yer test

Kirk: So her first name’s Nyota?
Spock: I have no comment on the matter

Scotty:Are you from the future?
Kirk: Yeah, he is, I’m not
Scotty: That’s brilliant, do they still have sandwiches there?

Spock (to McCoy): If morale would better be served by me roaming the halls weeping, then I will gladly defer to your medical expertise


thats what i would say!
and i love the character scotty

Ok, I’m officially in love with the end credits music. Ben Burtt is the sound designer. His latest movie since WALL-E - cool! And I may be going to see Star Trek again on Tuesday. =D

what moments in Star Trek do you like

disneyfreak - I haven’t seen the movie in a good few months, but the part that sticks out the most on my mind is when Chekov is trying to say “Victor” but ends up saying “Wictor”. :wink: Did you have any favourite moments?

I loved when Bones gave Kirk the injection
Scotty in the water tubes
Kirk at the end saying Bones Buckle Up with his Shatner swagger and mannerisms what other moments did you like

Favorite parts? I’ve got quite a few! My absolute fav would probably be when the 2 Spocks meet. If that hadnt happened I would have felt like “Wait!! I want the 2 Spocks to meet each other!!” That was so awesome.