Spirit of Adventure's graphics

Haha! I never really got a close look at your signature until now. But that looks great!
Me: Oh, Jurassic Park!..Hey, that looks like Woody…Huh?..Oh, I get it! Cool!

I haven’t complimented you on your current one yet, but it’s fantastically done!

Thanks! For the first time I blended a non-Pixar logo with Pixar elements, thanks to Fabrizio’s image inspired on one of the TS3 production shirts.

I may go with that blending again in the future.

By the way, I just gave away a clue of what the next one will be :slight_smile:

Thanks for uploading the Brave and Newt signatures, I missed those all together.

I <3 the Jurassic Park/Toy Story joke. That’s awesome. :laughing:

Back to the Future gets a lot of love from me. This new signature ma not be what I had originally in mind, but it’s decent, I think:

Nice Spirit!

I still need to see those movies, (Back to the Future) :blush:

I know I’ll be criticized a lot for repeating a franchise, even if the logo is a bit different.

I promise you the next one will be awesome, as a celebration of my 4000th post.

Yay! Another Star Wars sig!

BTW, is this one based on the logo for The Clone Wars?

^ Yes, it is.


Harry Potter is my favorite story ever (don’t let me start about the movies, I’m just talking about the books). Here’s my take of the logo, which you can click to enlarge, this time:

Love the Jurassic Park, & Back To The Future the most :smiley:

:slight_smile: I knew you would do Harry Potter soon.

That’s pretty good! I don’t like Harry Potter, but you blow me away with your logo parodies and your ability to actually make it look like the real thing!

This one is very big, so open it in an new window to enlarge. You’re gonna need a bigger board:


I loves this one! It looks like a movie poster!

It’s actually a movie poster!

And yes, I made yet another Star Wars one. What can I say? I’m a Star Wars freak.

I’m not really a Narnia fan, but I’ve read all the books, I think the logo is pretty, and that it looks very appropriate for Christmas time.

Here it is. I know I didn’t work enough on the textures on the “Spirit” word, but I was lazy.