other country's culture

Living in Italy, I feel fully satisfied. What with Cars referencing the country numerous times. I feel honored, and with Cars 2, there’s a high chance we’ll be visiting the country with Guido and Luigi. Hurray!

That’s a good point, ellie-jessie-eve. I just hate the thought that DW has done anything better than Pixar,anything… :open_mouth:

Why do you say that?

Because I want Pixar to be the "best"at everything, in my mind. :frowning:

That’s an interesting opinion, and you’re entitled to that. I believe that it would be really really cool if Pixar was the ‘best’ at everything, but that it’s not bad or anything if they weren’t No. 1 from time to time, as long as they keep making good movies.

I’m just crazy and illogical. In my mind, there is always a “winner”. I always, of course, want my favorite to be the “winner”. I don’t know, I’m just severely messed up.

If you’re aware of a problem and admit it, why don’t you try to change it?

Sorry if it sounds like I’m being rude, just wondering. One you have acceptence, you can change.

Well, I am in steps. Now I’m more impartial, and even regularly watch some DW films. Pretty soon, my complex may be gone! :smiley:

Or they could do a film set in the Bahamas. It would really be nice for pixar to shed some light on my people in a future film.

How about an Asian Indian story? There’s great traditional folktales like the Ramayana and Hitopadesha (a series of Aesop’s Fables-like animal tales that would be great for kids) that Pixar could adapt.

I’d also like a Latino America setting with Hispanic characters. It could be ancient (Road to El Dorado), contemporary (Rio) or fantastical (Rango).

An adaptation of the Chinese classic Journey to the West would be pretty awesome too. There’s a video game reimagining of it, you know?

I vote yes! I really want to see a Latina princess. It’ll only be a matter of time. One reason Disney made princess Tiana african-american, was because a lot of controversy on why a Black girl wasn’t there, as well as little girls wanting to see a princess that looked like them.

With a large growing Hispanic population is the United States, we’ll most likely be seeing a Hispanic/Latino themed movie from either Pixar or Disney soon. thedriveintheater mentioned a whole lot that other film studios have done, I’m sure Disney will wish to relase one soon. (I love Saludos Amigos and The Three Caballeros, but there should totally be a more modern Hispanic movie from this studio)

Plus the setting are endless. Spain, Mexico, South & Central America, even the United States. I would love to see a movie about Spanish California in the 1800s, wouldn’t that be neat?