Mitch's Compositions

The Star Swordsman - Thank you very much, dude! :wink: hugs

I whole-heartedly agree with you on that. It looks too “sectioned off” to me, as well. I’ll have to keep that in mind the next time I draw a life drawing of a rat…

Thank you for the critique and the compliments! :smiley:

– Mitch

Mitch: You are welcome, (but I think the hug is a little too much). :stuck_out_tongue:

The Star Swordsman - Yeah, I seriously don’t know what I was thinking at the time. I just went, “Heh. I feel like putting a “hug” in there. Heck, I’ll do it”. (snigger) :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not exactly sure what I shall post up next, although I do have that Lilo character sheet to do. I don’t really feel like drawing Lilo, but oh well…

– Mitch

Well, what ever is next, I can’t wait for it.

Neither can I. Whatever you draw will be great.

The Star Swordsman and Bill - Thank you both, dudes. :wink:

Update: There has been a change of plan. Instead of a character sheet featuring Lilo from Lilo and Stitch, I shall compose a collage of drawings of my favorite character from The Rescuers. I bet you’ll never guess who it is. :stuck_out_tongue:

– Mitch

Oh I love the Rescuers Mitch. My guess is either Bernard or BIanca. But then again, that might be too obvious.

I love Joanna quite a bit, but that might be just me wanting to own a large lizard of some kind.

I like the dairy cow patterned rats too. I don’t get to see them very often.

The Star Swordsman and The Wandering - Nope! Neither of you have guessed correctly yet, but you’ll find out soon enough. Heheh. :wink:

Farewell to Flower:

I didn’t feel like thinking up a catchy title… (heh)

Some time ago, Flower, the dominant female of the Whiskers* meerkat clan, lost her life to a venomous snake. It was quite depressing, and I didn’t realize how much I loved the little furball until after she snuffed it. In memoriam, I drew this picture not long after the tragic episode ended…

  • There is a show entitled Meerkat Manor that airs on Animal Planet every Friday evening, and it follows the life and death adventures of a real meerkat clan that goes by the name of “the Whiskers”.

I didn’t clean the picture up very well. So kill me. :unamused: :stuck_out_tongue: (snigger)

– Mitch

Good job on Flower from Meerkat manor Mitch. :sunglasses:

nightwheel - Thank you! It’s not cleaned up very well, but it’ll do. :wink:

– Mitch

Flower looks really adorable MItch. Keep up the good work.

The Star Swordsman - Thank you! :wink:

Oh! I almost forgot to show you guys some little snippets of work I have done over the past few months for various college projects…

For Graphics Arts Class:

For Drawing and Composition Class:

Both of my teachers seemed to like my work. My “Drawing and Composition” teacher apparently liked mine to the point that she kept it for reference (along with a few other students’ artwork). Needless to say, I considered this to be a significant plus. My goal is to improve, so I may as well start somewhere. Heheh. :wink:

– Mitch

Oooh! Wow, they look really good. Very nice drawing Mitch.

nice job on the college work, Mitch! The second one has really great structure to it, looks pretty solid to me!

Thank you both, guys! :smiley:

I neglected to mention what each composition was for. Badda-blam:

1. The “cat poster” was done as a project for my Graphics Arts class. For our project, each student/member was required to create a “lost cat” poster that could/would be appropriate to display to the general public. Everyone in the class had wonderful ideas, but I was one of the few who took to drawing a cartoon-esque version of a feline.

2. For my Drawing and Composition class, all students had to pick an object (either organic or non) and, with a brush and ink, show that object receeding into space/towards a distant horizon line. Naturally, I chose Kirby, my rat, as a model subject. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks again, guys!

– Mitch

Mitch- I do love that inked one. It’s got a really nice, smooth style to it. :smiley:

^ I’m with lizardgirl, I love the smooth lines on the Drawing and Composition Class one. :wink:

Well, I’m a little late , but those are really nice, Mitch . Well done on that. :smiley: :wink:

Bill - Thank you, Bill! :wink:

I thought you all might like to view a composition I conjured up for my “Drawing and Composition” class a couple of weeks ago. Each student within the class was required to draw a rag (or some other type of material) on a chair and draw the chair as well. Below, for your viewing pleasure, is my submission:

Now here’s the funny part: One of the students in the class said that it looked cartoony. If anyone could have said anything to make me laugh in response to the comment in question then that was it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I also have to admit that I’m not extremely pleased with how it came out. (Ha! Yeah, as if I have to be extremely pleased to like any of my artwork.) Still, I’m glad that the teacher liked it, in any case.

Any thoughts and/or critque on your part?

— Mitch