Gina's PhotoStudio

Another great photo of that stylin’ Jessie! And as for your next project, unless you’re just bursting to tell us, you can keep it a surprise! I look forward to it!

Hey, thats a really cool looking Jessie!

ObsessedWithPixar: Then I shall keep these lips closed~ just that I have an…Idea for the Lots o Laugh Woody THUNDEEEER

lennonluvr9: Why thank you :3 took me ages to design, and she was relased on Halloween…which is now her birthday :3


Should I give this Jessie a better makeover?


Oh my goodness, that Jessie is cute! I wonder why I’ve never seen it before. If you’re able to get your hands on her, I’d love to see what you come up with! But I’m glad I could see it otherwise. Btw, how’s your current project doing?

Thanks XD

also I have no luck in finding that certain Woody Doll that i’m after…so that project is on hold for now as this Jessie’s is my next project…lets say that I’ll turn this used up doll into a fresh doll!

^Epic photo, Gina! :smiley:

Thanks XD Hoped I aimed that Scary shot!

Also here’s another shot for yall!

That shot looks very cool.

Ooooh, I like! Playing around with the Woody/Dolly thing, I presume? I’ve always kinda wondered what that pairing would look like… but I’m still sticking it out with Bo!

Yea in a way the photo kinda says “am I ready to move on” maybe not? XD

Also he came~

My next project at last!

That Woody photo is hilarious!

Oh, that has to be one of the coolest Woody dolls I’ve seen yet! Where did you find it? I love that expression! XD

It’s a Lot’s o’ laughs Woody, pretty rare to find right now so I was lucky to win it on eBay! and I’ll start his make over soon, would you want a video of a process or just Photos?

Omygosh, I had no idea that Lots O’ Laughs Woody had that expression! And to answer your question, photos would probably be best, but whatever works for you! I love checking out your projects! :smiley:

Awww thanks XD I thinking of giving my Projects the title “Twisted Toy Story” xP got his boots painted today, gonna give it another layer later on xP
Also here’s GJ with her soon to be Brother

Awesome! Can’t wait to see your “Twisted Toy Story”! :slight_smile:

Great shot Gina. You really are talented.

Nwwthanks .u. now what I always for previews before showing the new piece, a shot of the boots!