Diecast 'Cars' Wishlist

There’s also Bug Mouth McQueen and Cruisin’ Ramone :slight_smile:

Wow, I’m missing quite a few lol! Oh well- I won’t go outta my way to get more- I’ll just buy 'em if I see them in the stores.

It’s these times when I wish I had more money to spend…my little die cast Chick Hicks looks awfully lonely on my desk…I would so love them all…

Have you guys seen all the new ones they showed at Comic Con 2007? They’re awesome!

davesbodyjewelry.com/pixar/album_5.html Press the arrows to go the the next one. The four before this are of Batman toys

Thanks for those pics, Toadkarter.

I’m diggin’ Cactus McQueen, Dinoco helicopter, Mia and Tia, and Flik and PT Flea.

I’m surprised they don’t have Junior. Wouldn’t you think they’d have him?

Heh, very cool! :sunglasses: Thanks for the link…

They are going to have Junior…they had him in the display case (follow that link above) but I’m disappointed they don’t have my Octane Gain!!! WAAAA!! :cry:

Those are some of the best pictures I have seen yet from that Comic Con show!! Thanks for the link :slight_smile:.

BorntothePurple: Junior is in there :slight_smile:
[url]http://www.davesbodyjewelry.com/pixar/album_10.html[/url] (he’s on the right)
[url]http://www.davesbodyjewelry.com/pixar/album_16.html[/url] (he’s on the bottom left)
[url]http://www.davesbodyjewelry.com/pixar/album_21.html[/url] (he’s on the bottom right)

DrewsterHotRod: They do have Octane Gain :slight_smile:
[url]http://www.davesbodyjewelry.com/pixar/album_24.html[/url] (you can spot him in the upper right corner)
I have seen better pictures of him on another board :slight_smile:.

When i saw these were available, i just knew i had to buy them. They sit on my desk quite proudly. I’m also glad to see that they are doing P.T. Flea and Flik as well.

I didn’t know about the Abominable Snow Plow though. I guess it must be quite rare and hard to find, ironically. :confused:

The Abominable Snow Plow is very new, I’m sure it soon will be easier to find :slight_smile:.

I was so busy looking at Darrell I didn’t notice him…thanks for pointing him out. (jumps around) :smiley:

You’re welcome :smiley:

Fer shure I gotta save my shekels to buy the next group of diecasts. :slight_smile:

YES!!! Thanks! I’ve been waiting for those piccys. Look at all the race cars! I gotta save meh moolah!

I think I went a little over board with the cars diecast! I have over 145 of them! I

recently got tongue mcqueen, tex dinoco, RPM #64, Yeti, Cruisin’ Ramone, Bug Mouth Mcqueen! I think these cars

are the greatest toys! considering that I am 18 years old, i love pixar and become a kid again!

I dont know how it is elsewhere (i guess some places are only pulling certain ones) but the stores in my area are pulling all the Cars die-cast from the shelves because of this giant Mattel recall. They said they all had lead based paint. Toys R Us had already gotten rid of theirs and Target was in the process of taking them down. I found 2 they hadnt gotten to yet, but they wouldnt let me buy them. I hope they’ll come back once they fix this issue!

I heard it is only Sarge that is being recalled. I don’t know why the stores are going overboard and pulling all of them off the shelves.

Wait so are they taking all of them or just Sarge? I saw the news and I only saw Sarge. That stinks, I hope they fix the problem.

Apparently some of the stores are pulling ALL of the Cars diecasts. But the news and Mattel’s site mention only Sarge. So I dunno…