dating status

No longer dating, didn’t work out. I like being single. :smiley:

Sadly single. I need a guy. :frowning:

Single, sadly.

cue Debbie Downer music


hahaha!!! i was thinking the same thing. our singles night would be all of us crowded around a tv watching pixar movies and analyzing story/rendering techniques. ah, love is in the air no?

i had a high school sweetheart for 2 and a half years but he cheated on me when he went away to college and broke my heart. i dated someone shortly after that, but as a liberal, his conservatism didn’t sit well with me, nor did the catholic guilt he gave me 24/7. he also called me one night the day before a huge design project was due and whined i spent too much time on art and that was the end of that. however, i learned a lot from both of those relationships.

so now im single. just waiting to meet someone who understands that yes, i spend a LOT of time on my art, its my job. i’m a girl that is serious about commitment an i don’t just date around, i don’t see the point in that. call me a square and such but i believe in true love and such.

and to lizard girl, you go glen coco! nab that boy :slight_smile:

At least you guys had the chance of being in a relationship. Now I’m 19 of age, and yet, I have not gotten myself a girl of intimacy, ended up as an object of mockery. People everywhere just go, “Hey, if it isn’t the 19 year old who has yet to get laid!”

Of course, this only occurs in IRC chats where many immature beings dwell in. Surprisingly, though, my own Asian relatives are not as rude and immature, so pardon me saying that it might be only the Westerners who were more than willing to judge people as such.

Sorry if that was also a low blow, but I’m merely speaking in honesty. My dealings with many rude Americans have left me a little… disoriented as to the ways of the Westerners. I know there are nice ones out there like Rachel, thewisecookiesheet, Mygames19 (mostly the people from that practice commentary :stuck_out_tongue:), but yeah, I hope you get my point.

Oh dear… I wish him the best of luck. :laughing: Congrats!

You must be talking with ‘frat boys’. I have no respect for them. To chalk girls up like points on a scoreboard to see who ‘wins’, is both stupid and immature. There’s nothing wrong if you haven’t ‘got laid’ yet. In fact, it is the ones who make fun of the ‘losers’ who are the insecure ones. To be fair, girls, and sometimes Asians I’ve come across can be guilty of this as well. Well, I guess your only retort to them is to call them ‘man-[spoil]whores[/spoil]’. :wink:

lol Man-[spoil]whores[/spoil]. Good one. :wink:

Thanks, thedriveintheater. That did make me feel a little bit better.

Don’t let it get to you. I’m 19 and I get that also. People can just be stupid sometimes, so usually its best to ignore. I have no doubt that we will all find ourselves in good relationships when the time is right. And I kind of understand what you mean with Americans…sort of, but I get it :smiley:

lol…nice thedriveintheatre

Right now, I’m excited in the possibilities in getting a bf sorta, since there are so many nice guys in my animation program in college. We’ll see when I go back in the fall lol :blush:

Haha, thanks guys! Well, he’s a sweet bloke, works very hard and that sort of thing, so we’ll see how it goes.

mermaid08- Good for you for not being the sort of person who’ll just date any old guy and prioritising what’s important to you like your artwork. A guy that moans that you spend too much time doing something you love just doesn’t sound like a guy worth being with.

Ragdollcorpse- Plenty of choice, eh? Sounds like a good situation to me! :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

your lucky then, the guys in my animation program all seem to wear hiking gear inside and dont seem to take showers…

and thanks lizardgirl!

Now you sound like the school counselor from my Secondary School (or ‘Middle School’ in American terms). She said almost the same thing. :wink: I guess it is a very general theory.

Don’t let it get to you - any of you. I have nothing against Americans, or beings of any other races, for that matter. My head was probably not in the right place when I posted that anyway.

Thanks for caring, Ragdollcorpse. :wink:

I’m with you mermaid08. I’m single. I spend a lot of time focusing on my animation as well and if a guy doesn’t understand that I won’t drop everything I’ve been working for to spend time with him 24/7 then it isn’t worth it. When the right guy comes along, it should be easy to balance the two.

There isn’t a whole lot of guys in my animation program, at least in my year. My animation classes have all been dominated by women, which is kind of cool. Although the guys in my classes are all very helpful and nice.

WTH? Is your school some kinda monastery on a mountaintop or somethin? :laughing:

I’m really sorry that you’re running into these horrible low-lifes. Fortuantely, these kinds of people are probably going to end up fat and divorced several times at the age of thirty or sitting on sidewalk holding a cardboard sign while you drive by in a car eating a food of your choosing. Nothing better than the “reap what you sow” concept taking effect. :slight_smile:

HAHAHAHA! no i seriously don’t know what the deal is. a dreamworks storyboarder came in to speak to us so i went and so i was in a room with about 60 other animators at our school and all the boys were SO awkward. for some reason they feel the need to wear like REI outdoor hiking boots or safari hats and everyone has a pair of cargo pants for some reason. oh and one guy who looked like he hadn’t seen the light of day in weeks, was wearing a combination of all three and then had a keychain around his neck (dreamworks themed) and it had like 4 usb ports on the end. no joke.

i just sat there and thought “these are my people. how did that happen?” of course who am i to judge, they are probably better artists than me. maybe. haha.

Dragon - Oh boy… the reputation of Westerners is hanging on me. I better not screw up. heheh. But thanks. ^_^; Please don’t paint Westerners with same brush from your experiences of rude people (and I’m going to guess they were young, immature, males) in a chat room. The fact that you’ve never been intimate with someone, while nothing to be ashamed of, isn’t anything that is anyone else’s business either, unless you want it to be. There are a lot of people in the same situation as you. When the right girl comes along, it won’t bother her either, and can be even seen as a positive thing. :wink: And personally, and maybe other girls here will agree with me, like TDIT penned them, man-wh*res are quite a turn-off. Who knows how many chicks they’ve bedded and what diseases they have? I don’t want to just be another number. So when the right girl comes along, your lack of experience won’t be an issue, if she is right for you. =)

I guess that would be a good name. But now that I think about it, a lot of Western society, as was put, is for the idea that when a girl gets laid with multiple people, she’s called a [spoil]whore[/spoil], and when a dude gets laid multiple times, he’s considered cool and gets a big high five from his other male buddies.

I think too much.

Edit: I’m generalizing most of “western society” as jocks always after the girls. If the above post offends anyone, I am really sorry. Please forgive my stereotyping.

It has been a while since I posted in this thread. And I still am single. I think I’ll stay single for one more year until I transfer to another college. I guess I am too busy for a relationship, and I’m not really interested in anybody right now. Seems like every female friend I make either at school or elsewhere always ends up as a good friend.

I have the same problem TSS still single here! I’m the last of my friends to get a girl :smiley: I’m proud of it! I made a bet with one of the prettiness girls in our school (based on how many guys asked her out) to see who could stay single the longest, I think this is going to be easy XD. But right before that, I was going to ask out a girl I’ve been crushing on forever, (this all happened at a party in a humongous mansion) I walked outside to find her, just to see her walking and holding hands with a guy she met TONIGHT. [[spoil]FML[/spoil] :laughing:

lol Thanks FounderofAzn and rachelcakes1985. :wink: It is comforting to find many Westerners out there that are still as friendly as you guys. Keep up the good work! :laughing: