Comments about Cars being Pixar's "weakest" film

Now that Part 2 has met with such terrible commentaries, maybe we should change the board title to something like “Comments about the Cars films being Pixar’s “weakest” franchise” 8D

That was a bit harsh. :neutral_face: There are some Cars fans here you know… :cry:

Yes, like me.

That’s not harsh at all. I’m referring to the fact that it’s now a franchise and not a single film.

Oh…ok, it just came off sounding a bit differently. Sorry.

Weren’t you the one that said that we should take the critics lightly?

That’s what I tried to do! That’s why I added a smily.

Yes, that would be me. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m sorry, I just misinterpreted it, that’s all. So based off the results of the first two movies does anybody think there will be a third or is it still too early to tell?

I don’t think they’ll make sequels just because the first one is successful. After all, they wouldn’t makle Cars 2, as Cars wasn’t that successful.

I think they just think in stories, and when they find one that they like, they make the sequel.

Anyway, I never thought they would make Cars 3, even when Cars 2 wasn’t released and we believed it was going to be a hit.

Yeah but Cars was successful financially. Probably more than any other Pixar movie. The merchandise profit is through the roof, that’s why they made a sequel. I think there is a chance there’ll be a Cars 3…a 50/50 possibility. Might as well milk the cow till its dry.

If they do, they better not screw it up.

Yes, exactly. :smiley: hug

And anyway, I really don’t think we need Cars 3. Call me naive, but even with these reviews, I believe this may well be one of my favorites. But, either way, a third one is totally unnecessary.

It’s warranted hate, in my opinion. Does Cars 2 deserve to be the lowest rated computer animated film on Rotten Tomatoes? Absolutely not. Did it deserve to be rotten? I’d argue yes, but maybe in the 50 percents. As a fan of the original, I was so, so disappointed in this one. As I was watching it, I thought, “I really don’t want to even see this again. Ever.” When have any of us ever NOT wanted to watch a Pixar film over again? It just felt completely unnecessary. I’m going to pretend this movie didn’t happen so I can still love the characters and universe.

I really wanted to like it. I really did. I respect and envy those of you who truly enjoyed it. What was it that stuck out to you, exactly, that made you enjoy it so much? I’m trying to find a way to like it and if you could provide some insight that would be great :slight_smile: cuz I’m not getting so far on my own.

No way, That’s should go back to Shark Tale.

Quite frankly I think even making a sequel was unnecessary. I don’t think any movie really needs one unless it has a good reason such as the fact that it is based off a series of books or something. I agree though that if they did make a third they would have to make the perfect balance of emotion and action. If they can do that it would be brilliant. Hahaha you don’t like Shark Tale David? I didn’t mind it at all! 8D

I hate Shark Tale, too. 8D

Really?! LOL! I didn’t know people weren’t so fond of it! I enjoyed it! ;-p Has anyone ever seen the movie “The Reef” I think its called. Hahaha, now that is a fail spin-off. :sunglasses:

Shark Tale was the worst thing from Dreamworks, hands down.

Bee Movie isn’t good either.

Granted, but at least the animation was a little more fluid an some of the jokes actually made sense.

At least DreamWorks took the hint and didn’t make sequels to either. Imagine the quality of those gems :wink:

True! /Haha I can see that in my head now…