It’s not that long, only a few more weeks :wink:

Maybe for the Americans, but we Asians (Singaporeans, specifically) would probably have to wait for another two months. :unamused:

If you look at the 2-D characters at the end credits of WALL•E, you can see BURN•E welding something.

yeah but you know, someone will probably have it on YouTube or something shortly after it comes out (and before it gets taken down for possible copyright issues… :wink: )

Even so, it would not be of high quality like the DVD would be. I wouldn’t mind seeing them on YouTube sooner rather than later, though, but I do hope it would come eventually rather than being rejected from being sold in my country. :astonished:

WBoon - There would be nothing stopping you from purchasing the US DVD on Amazon or eBay. That’s what I’m going to do so I get to talk about BURN•E at relatively the same time as everyone else.

I think that burn-E will be about the welder bot on the axiom, or maybe another bot on earth that Wall-E never notices.

Has anyone seen the WALL-E DVD TV Spot? At one point it shows the clip in the movie with BURN-E in it.

so let me get this straight…the BURN’E guys is that machine that walle and eve pass as they enter the Axoim??

If so he might be pretty funny…

Why would it be rejected?

Here’s a more detailed synopsis of BURN•E from the WALL•E press release:
“BURN•E [is] the story of a stalwart repair robot… who is determined to do his job, but is foiled at every turn by WALL•E’s adventures aboard the Axiom.”

oh this should be good…i’ll have to make sure i get it.

Hooray - WALL•E is in it. Wondering if this will be 2D or 3D… probably 3D.

Check out these three non-spoilerific screenshots from BURN-E!
pixarblog.blogspot.com/2008/11/e … urn-e.html

Thanks for the update, martini! Can’t wait to see Wall-E and Eve’s adventures from BURN-E’s point of view. :smiley:

Cool, so this is actually a short that takes place during the movie, like Jack Jack Attack? Neat. I always like those kind.

I agree, lennonluvr9, when the short fits in so seamlessly with the film, it makes it even more believable, and I like how that sort of gives the viewer a different perspective from the one we see in WALL-E usually. Thanks for the update, martini! :smiley:

Some more BURN•E stills:
One: 4.bp.blogspot.com/_dS9o2xQUbsU/S … RN-E_7.png
Two: 2.bp.blogspot.com/_dS9o2xQUbsU/S … RN-E_9.png
Three: [url]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_dS9o2xQUbsU/SRnllKNSwfI/AAAAAAAACiI/3MJ16l7d7_4/s1600-h/BURN-E_8.png[/url]
Four: [url]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_dS9o2xQUbsU/SRnlmJBZGfI/AAAAAAAACiY/Szd2X-LhMZw/s1600-h/BURN-E_10.png[/url]

I can’t wait to watch this on the DVD.
BURN-E stands for “Basic Utility Repair Nano-Enginner”
Source: pixarblog.blogspot.com/2008/11/a … urn-e.html

Apparently there’s a leak . >.<
I saw the first ten seconds on YouTube before I realized that it was actually the real thing. I’m restraining myself - now that I know it’s out there, I have to keep a semblance of self control and wait until Tuesday.