Brave: New Pixar Film?

Well, I could give it a shot, but be forewarned I have NO drawing skills. xD I also only remember it fuzzily, as my attention was directed towards the college visit, but I guess I can try.

Here ya go - this is what I remember!

Hmm, I wonder what the stuff around the bear’s mouth is? Interesting. Thanks for doing that for us, Sarah.

Interesting… Thanks Sarah!

That’s interesting, Sarah. In my opinion, Brave is a better title, because Pixar’s longest title is only 11 letters long, and it’s last 4 films have only had one word, Cars, Ratatouille, WALL-E & Up. But tBatB is still a great name.

I am a little disappointed that this was pushed back a year- I was looking forward to it next year!

I really hope Brave is a working title (like The Dark Knight’s ‘Rory’s First Kiss’!) and not the final theatrical one. I much preferred ‘The Bear and the Bow’, cos’ it sums up the plot, and has the classic ‘fairy-tale’ sensibility to it. ‘Brave’ sounds like a M. Night Shyamalan-directed, starring-Bruce-Willis kinda movie. :frowning:

Sarah - Wow, thanks for your production T-shirt sketches! Maybe the bears grow pink facial hair? :laughing: