Anybody a big fan of EVE ?

Heck yah. Always love one of those Mulan-type characters. Y’know, strong, independent, and smart.

EVE is my favorite character! I like everything about her: her giggle, her iPod-like design, her sweetness, and even her playfulness with WALL•E – she’s just to cute to ignore!

In fact, I like her so much, I’m always thinking of drawing her as a human! I personally like to portray her as a sweetheart who’s always waiting for WALL•E to come play with her. :smiley:

I love EVE as well! She’s such a strong feminine character in the film. Here’s a picture that builder Blossom posted on our site: of EVE.

Pretty impressive! All that’s missing is maybe some blue LEDs to make the eyes light up.

I really like EVE too. She’s looks cute and has a slick design at the same time. :sunglasses:

EVE always reminds me of my iPod (especially since Jonathan Ives kind of helped in the design). I love Apple and EVE is just so amazing- simplistic yet complex.

Eve is so sweet! I love her seet, yet strong personality.

She used to bug me, but now I strangely love her. She’s like a big sister or something, beating up bad boyfriends. :laughing:

Huh, why did she used to bug you?

Eve is still my favorite Pixar character. The agressive yet sometimes compassionate nature of hers along with the actual character’s design always registered as pretty awesome to me.

Wall-E is my favorite movie ever. Eve is my favorite character from that movie. Conclusions?

Always loved EVE :smiley: Despite how aggressive she initially seems, she (was) just trying to follow her directive, and the way WALL•E softens her up and makes her seem more caring… is really touching.

^ I agree with Leirin

[spoil](But Wall-e is still my favorite)[/spoil]

But Eve has a wicked design though. And she is really cool how she is aggressive yet she can completely change herself in the blink of an eye.