A Time to Grow: A Finding Nemo Fan Comic!! (Tenth set up!)

“Brando” - haha, leave it to Dory to make light of a dark situation.
Gee, it’s like watching “Lion King” in my mind - I can just hear that music now… :slight_smile: Well done. :slight_smile:

Heh-heh, hopefully that’s a good thing? :laughing:

ohhh Nemo, you’ve been a naughty boy! Ha!

No - it’s a very good thing. :wink:

Yay!! :smiley:

Five more pages. I am happy to say that I’m FINALLY getting past some writer’s block on this thing. I know you’re thinking “What writer’s block? It’s an adaptation!” Well, let’s just say I had to take an entirely new approach to the wildebeest stampede…


I just have to say that I think page 53 is my favorite page to come out of this comic so far. <3

Awww! That was so cute at the end! And kinda sad.

AMAZING! I still wish that there was a song sequence, but WELL DONE! Is it the end?

Nemo fits Simba’s part really well. Why wasn’t Pearl in it? And I can’t imagine Gil trying to kill Nemo, but it was very creative. Dory didn’t even need to “act”, she just went on being herself. I loved it.


hey, I’m not finished reading yet, i’m still working on it (on page 24)

but , it is really really really amaizing! I’m loving every second of it!

It actually reminds me of the lion king! alot!

like marlin is mufasa and nemo is simba. gill is like scar and dory…hmmm well…idk what dory is.

I can’t wait to finish because I love this!

If this was a fanfiction on Fanfiction.net I would add it to my favorites! :smiley:

Edit: Dory is like Zazu