Favorite Character So Far?

So far, who is your favorite

"Ratatouille" character?

  • Remy
  • Linguini
  • Colette
  • Skinner
  • Django
  • Emile

0 voters

Hello everyone,

I know it may be a little early to discuss this topic, but

I was rather curious to know everyone’s opinion on the matter:

[i]Who is your favorite

character in “Ratatouille”?[/i]

Judging by what we have already seen in the teaser

and trailer for the film, we’re able to submit a basic guess on what each individual character’s personality

will be like – Remy and Linguini especially.

No need to ask who my favorite character is, but if you

must know…my little hero is Remy. :wink:

What about you?

– Mitch

Definly Remy!!!He’s soooooooooo adorable & cute <3

I would have to say Remy.

I chose

Linguini, but I was a little bit divided between him and Remy, they’re both sooo cute! :wink:

DON’T MAKE ME CHOOSE! :open_mouth: :wink:

Oh, I think we all know who you voted for, Sky. :wink:

Your avatar/sig setup is as obvious as mine. Heehee.

My vote goes to Linguini. He’s a lanky lovable

loser who wants to prove he’s a winner. :slight_smile:


Sky - Haha – yeah, we know who you voted for, all right. I was

thinking about you when I made this post and thought, “She’s goona pick Linguini for sure…”. Heheh.


Looks like Remy is ahead by one point, with Linguini trailing behind in second place. I’m rather

curious as to who voted for Colette…

Gosh, I don’t know…


chose Emile. He didn’t get much in the trailer, but the few glimpses we did see showed how much Pixar has

changed him. He looks smaller, a little more organic and, well, cute. :smiley:

My favorite character so far is Remy.

Gasduude - Heheh – I’m

sure Emile would appreciate you giving him his first vote. And yeah, they did change him alot didn’t they? He’s

all poofy and a little more “well-rounded” now, so to speak. :wink:

Mitch - Yeah…I think the trailer doesn’t

reflect how much of a factor he’ll be in the movie. Don’t get me wrong, I loved it! But if I rememer correctly,

you see him only once.

Gasduude - Yeah, you’re right. He doesn’t even

talk in the trailer. Too bad – I would have liked to know more about him in those two minutes of "rat

time". (snigger)

And actually, I believe you see him twice in the trailer. Once when Remy is talking

to his dad (near the middle of the film), and again at the very end (when Remy says, "We’re in Paris now,

baby!"). At least, I think that’s him at the end. Hmm…

Yeah that was him. Also don’t for get about the "Oaky

nutiness" part, he was in there to.

I’m refusing to answer this until I see the film.

No Skinner or Django votes yet, hmmm. Not suprised, those characters don’t look too


Now, Mitch: Did you not add Auguste Gusteau to the mix because he

isn’t in the trailer? From what it sounds, he plays a fairly important role (as a ghost) in the movie. Just


JV - Are you sure that’s him? I guess it is. He sounds

the same, but he looks a little different to me. Maybe it’s just the lighting that throws me off?

Meg - Heheh – wise choice. I was going to wait myself, but I couldn’t help

it. (snigger)

Gasduude - Yeah, Skinner creeps me out. I love his character

design, but still. As for Django, I think he’s kinda cool-lookin’! I didn’t like him at first either, but now

he’s starting to grow on me… (heheh) :wink:

Actually, I originally put

“Other” as an option in the poll, but it wouldn’t show/load. Also, we

don’t know that much about Gusteau yet except that he was the original owner of the restaurant and that he

appears as a ghost in the film. We haven’t really seen him yet either (I don’t think), so I just decided to

play it safe and not put him in…yet. :wink:


FTW! :laughing: He’s just so darned funny. I mean, don’t get me wrong- Remy is as sweet as anything, and you’ve

gotta feel for Linguini, and Collette, my second favourite at the moment, has a personality that just explodes

out of the screen, but from the first picture I saw of Skinner, I just knew he was gonna be an hilarious

adversary! :laughing:

Why isn’t Anton Ego on the list?

I picked Linguini, because he’s adorable and a little dorky and that’s my

type of guy, lol! xD I’m a hopeless case.

JV - No, that can’t be him…probably just another rat. If you look at his nose,

it just isn’t Emile.

I looked and you were right, Mitch. Two times he

appears: At the table with Django and at the “Paris, Baby!” part. For the latter, I’m pretty sure

it’s him, he’s got the nose again…

Mitch - Oh, I see


Bill - I wondered the same thing about Gusteau, you gotta remember

this is so far