What's your age and gender?

Never mentioned it before evilgenuis27. Maybe I sound like a boy via my posts?

Wow, that’s weird. Cause I was like, 100% sure you were a guy. Maybe I’m psychic :wink: Or, like you said, maybe it’s just the tone of your posts. I like the psychic idea better though.

Evil_Genius_27: I thought you were a guy too! :open_mouth:

I’m 18 and female. Some people have actually thought otherwise.

8D Another one, huh? I’m seriously going to look into another avatar.

But JustSoWall-eCrazy, your avatar and signature are so pretty and feminine! Or do you mean on other sites? Though I guess I should know by now not to judge by avatars…they can be misleading :wink:

Evil_Genius_27: Once, someone said “JustSoWall-eCrazy has returned with his long awaited chapter!” (of my fanfic, that is).

And (off-topic alert!), I’m glad you think my graphics look so pretty and feminine. That compliment just made me happy!

No problem! I especially like your avatar. I love the way it blurs around Eve’s head, and the colours compliment each other nicely :smiley:

I’m really glad you made this thread Spirit. It’ll definitely cut down on confusion. I’m surprised no one made a thread like this a while ago!

That “someone” was me! :blush: I’m so sorry about that, JustSoWall-eCrazy (I’ve apologized about this before, haven’t I?)

And Evil_Genius, I thought you were a guy too until you stated otherwise on another thread (not this one, I found out ages ago).

I’m very suprised at the number of female fans there are. And I thought I was freakishly alone. Glad I’m not!

I’m 15 and male. I’m glad I’m not all that young in comparison to the other members! My family thinks that I’m a bit odd for liking Pixar so much… :slight_smile:

I’m a 15 year old girl. :slight_smile: I have been mistaken for a guy once. I felt kinda offended, for if you met me in real life, you’d know I’m a girly-girl. :laughing:

:open_mouth: You’re 18? Dang, I always imagined you were younger than I was, like, around 15 or 16. :blush: Well I learned something today.

Good idea, SoA! I get confused sometimes with the whole anonymity of the Internet. I think I got confused about woody’s gender at one point (you’re a ‘he’, right? :frowning:).

I’m a guy. I’m 20 going on 21 this year. Only a few more months to ‘adult-freedom’!

I’m a 14 year old guy, and everybody makes fun of me for liking Pixar so much. Must escape humiliation, almost to PixarPlanet.com… ah that’s better.

Wow. I feel really old in this board 8D

I’m a gal. I’m 38, i will be 39 next month

Really, that’s opposite than me, usually people thing I’m younger than I am! :frowning:

There are a lot of 14 year olds on this board! Not that it’s a bad thing, just an observation!

I’m 13 and male.

14, almost 15, year old male

Ok, until now, just BarbieandKenfan has beaten me 8D

Biggest_Pixar_Fan_Ami: It’s no big. :wink:

I’m a 21 yr old male.