WALL•E Advance Screenings!

Nothing in Miami…
WALL-E came this Saturday, but that exact day I went to Orlando, and missed him… :frowning:

Another couple of advance screenings, this time in Davie (FL), and Louisville (KY). :mrgreen:

uruseiranma - If you really want to attend an advance screening, try looking through your local radio station/newspaper’s websites - they seem to be the media outlets that are giving advance screening tickets away, in the other cities at least. I don’t know what outlets are more likely to give away tickets where you live, but you would, you see. But I’ll keep an eye out for any Chicago screenings for you, anyway.

Davie, FL!! That’s so close, I signed up right away…

You’re welcome, martini. :wink: Good luck - I hope you win tickets.

Oh! :blush:
Thank you Rachel!! :smiley:

Heheh. No probs, martini. Let us know how it goes. :slight_smile:

Woke up this morning, and AICN’s resident reviewer Capone in Chicago, has a contest for a sneak preview of Wall-E on Wednesday, June 25.

For more information, visit the following link:


Needless to say, I’ve already got my entry in.

Thanks for that info, uruseiranma. I’m sure there will be a lot of good essay entries, but I’ll cross my fingers that you win tickets.

I found out they’re having several showings on Friday. I’ve possibly just convinced my dad to take us to see it. x) But, I’ll be seeing it at 11 am. xD

OMG!! I just got an email from aintitcoolnews- I won one of the passes to the Chicago sneak preview on Wed night!! (I just let out a slight scream, and it’s 5:30 in the morning!!).

Got my Wall-E shirt from Zazzle yesterday (I’ll post images up later), and purchased the soundtrack 15 minutes ago (along with Goofy’s ‘How to Hook Up Your Home Theater’ short).

Needless to say, I’l be there in full geek mode, with the ‘Art of’ book. I may keep myself from bringing the toys.

Wow! Congrats! I didn’t enter. I’m nowhere near there.

is there one in St. Louis? possibly? please?

TS2: You can just check your local movie times at theaters nearby - that’s what I did.

Seems like there isn’t one around here. Either way, I’ll wait for opening weekend. The wait is just part of the fun.

Congratulations, uruseiranma! I’m very pleased for you. Have fun at the screening. :slight_smile:


I did. It ain’t showin’. I’ll have to wait 2 weeks cuz I’m going 2 Colorado on Thursday.