Pixar Planet Awards 2009 - Suggestions/General Discussion

Thanks, Rachel :slight_smile: ! That does help a lot. I think I understand now. Thank you!

It seems that the schedule has remained the same as last year instead of the suggested ‘wait till the end of the year’ approach, but I guess having it announced before Christmas would be a grander occassion! :smiley:

I have a suggestion; I’m a member of a car chase forum, and every year we honour some of the finest vehicular races and pursuits on celluloid for own little amusement (just stick with me here, you’ll see where I’m going). In 2006, we introduced a new feature called ‘Virtual Guest Presenters’. Basically, it’s like what it implies, we will each write our reasons and justifications for the chase we select for each category, and the admin will select a few of the pieces to tag to the winner as an accolade comment. It’s like at the Oscars, Hugh Jackman/Halle Berry/some important VIP will sing praises to the nominees in between segments.

“XYZ’s masterpiece of signature-making shows his/her prowess at Photoshop. Clean compositions, professional masking, and a witty tagline makes this a truly memorable promotional graphic for an awesome fanfic.”

A bit gratuitous, but who doesn’t like going on an ego trip? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not quite sure how this is going to be done here, as we wrote our comments directly into the Nominations thread, whereas here, it may be a difficult since we’re complimenting works from other members and it may influence the voter’s decisions. Perhaps we could each write our reasons and sent them to any of the organisers to compile and read/publish on Awards Day. This probably depends on how willing the voters are to write about their decisions and for the organisers’ cooperation, but of course, this is just a suggestion. But I think it could be fun. :slight_smile:

We did this for 2006 and 2007, so you can read the threads to see how it was done to get an idea. :wink: