Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

TS2 - Actually, I was going to say Planet 51, but I would be half-right. Sony have the distribution rights, but none of the work is done by their animation division. Some Spanish animation production house called Ilion (with font that suspiciously looks like Pixar’s), and Hand-Made Films (the guys who brought you Life of Brian) are the creators. But I’m digressing here, sorry…

totoro - Good one! He would give the movie… 1 star! For promotion of unhealthy and potentially life-threatening, high-calorie, and low-nutrition food!

Oh cool! Ilion is finally making a feature!!! 2 emerging studios have their first features this year: Ilion (Planet 51) and Laika (Coraline)!!! :exclamation:

I saw this trailer in theaters. I’m not a big fan of the character designs, to say the least.

Bryko, I was pretty suprised on the character designs to. There just not like previous sony animation character… designs. :laughing: But know that I’ve got to know them a little better, I’ve gotten used to them.

Anyway There’s a couple of updates on the website you guys might wanna check out. Especially the monkeys profile… Tell me what you think of his picture. :wink:

The loading screen with the umbrella following your cursor reminded me a bit of Carl’s floating house from the Up website… :stuck_out_tongue:

Regarding Steve the monkey’s profile… he looks a little ‘unhinged’. Looks like Will Ferrel from Semi-Pro to me, what with that headband and all. :smiley: And the Monkey Thought Translator… Dug the talking dog, anyone?

Flint sounds like an amalgam of Wilbur Robinson and Linguini… the klutzy inventor!

Sam Sparks sounds like the most interesting character… I wonder what that “side of herself that she’s kept hidden from the world” is.

Thanks for the heads-up, TAMATER!

This is one of those films that we can’t tell what it’ll be like till it comes out. It’s definitely like Meet the Robinsons, how it was a book and they add so much more (new characters, new settings and a more complex plotline) once it becomes a movie. I think it looks great, and that book is still my favorite children’s book. But I don’t know.

I can’t wait! That was one of my favorite books in Elementary school! It’s just so creative and cute! :smiley:

I didn’t have very high hopes for this at all, but the new trailer makes it look really good! :smiley: … re-trailer

I do think it looks like a very ugly movie, to be honest. I saw the trailer in the cinema the other day and wasn’t very interested. From the trailer, it’s difficult to know where the storyline can go.

I just realized they used a pop version of “Food” from Oliver in the teaser.


There’s a giant standee of CWACOM beyond the usher checkpoint in the main lobby in my local theatre (with Up pushed somewhere to the back). Don’t know why they’re plugging it so early when Up actually opens earlier than it (November for the former, compared to September for the latter).

Anyway, I don’t really mind it. It’s sort of like G-Force, like, the characters appeal to me, storyline sounds okay (although it sounds like Horton where they stretched a children’s book plot to fit a feature-film format), food looks appetising enough (but not as good as Ratatouille)… I’m not a fan of those blocky character designs in Western animation like Madagascar or especially Jimmy Neutron, but this one looks less ‘offensive’ to me. I actually like the protagonist, who comes off as a well-meaning geek who just wants to be accepted by his peers (like Wilbur Robinson or Doc from Back to the Future). Not so much Neutron who I intensely dislike for some reason (okay, I’ll quite the JN bashing in case there are any fans here! :stuck_out_tongue:).

Look, it sounds good to me, and the humour in the trailer so far have good, pardon the pun, taste (not a single fart joke in sight as far as I can recall). This might be a matinee or Cheap Tuesday if I’m really bored, but otherwise it’s leaning to a Rental for me.

There’s two new games on the official site. The first, ‘Stump the Monkey’ is a variation of 20 Questions. Steve, the monkey assistant will ask you 20 questions and try to guess what you’re thinking. I like how he has a thought translator, but they didn’t pull it off as well as Dug in Up (cos’ he opens he mouth whenever he ‘talks’ :stuck_out_tongue:). I tried ‘Burger’ and the closest he got was ‘Taco’, but it’s a good effort!

The second, 3D Food Fight, has no aim in mind (just try to hit Stump with a food item), but it’s quite fun (the food he throws in turn can mess your screen and you have to wipe off the stain with a squeegee). You can even try it in 3D if you have a pair of 3D glasses! :slight_smile:

Yea, I rented the movie and I like it!, wish I saw it at IMAX with 3D :smiley:

Spoiler: (highlight to read)
[spoil] I think at the end, all the food came to life, and attacked everybody by getting bigger, then they shut it off[/spoil]
I can’t remember what happend after but all I have to say, I’m sort of scard of full sized chickens :laughing:

I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. I had no interest in it at all after watching the early trailers, I think because they focused on nothing other than the food falling from the sky; it seemed too kiddish, if you know what I mean. I didn’t even know about the main plot of the story (a scientist creating a magic food making device) until I actually got around to watching it. I’m glad I did though! It was a hilarous movie, with a suprising amount of heart. Steve is the best talking money ever :smiley:

This movie is EPIC! :smiley: I loved it so much!

When it was in cinemas I wanted to see it, but it was out the same time as Up was, and I was only allowed to see one of them. Of corse Up won, but I was quick to get CWACOM on DVD.

I fell in love with it instantly, and I nearly liked it more than Up :open_mouth: But, no matter how good it is, all Pixar movies remain set in stone at the top of my “Box Office”. All I can say is, CWACOM comes a scaringly close second.

Oh, and, did anyone else think that all the characters looked really cute? You know, their big eyes and round faces <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/love2.gif” alt=“:loves:” title="In

Love" /> Call me random, but that was a big reason why I adored this movie (and the fact I love food!)

I’m not sure if I ever posted my final opinion here, but I loved this movie. The trailers did it no justice, it was hilarious, and the designs and animation were amazingly well done and very risky for a mainstream animated movie. It’s one of my favorite animated movies from last year.